Toxic Attitude -90-

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Rook's eyes went wide as you grabbed onto his hand, dragging him away from the place he was currently stopped. "Why mademoiselle Belle, how forward!" He cried, clenching onto his hat to keep it on his head. You glanced back and huffed out in slight amusement. "Don't make it weird, Rook."

He breathed out a laugh. "May I ask where you're taking me?" The Frenchman questioned. "It's Vil. I think he's up to something." You responded firmly, weaving your way through the crowd. His face dropped. "Ah, so you've noticed too." He muttered.

The blonde continued to let you drag him all the way into the building, stopping just beyond the corridor Vil was in. You and Rook leaned over the wall, watching the Pomefiore housewarden approach a certain door. He knocked, stepping back and waiting for it to open with a blank face.

"Coming!" A sweet voice called out before Neige stepped into the hallway. His eyes widened in slight surprise. "Oh, hi, Vi. What's up?" The ebony haired male asked. Vil contorted his face into a polite smile. "We didn't get much of a chance to talk before rehearsal. I was hoping we might chat a bit more." He said pleasantly. You immediately narrowed your eyes at him in suspicion.

Neige clasped his hands together and gave a closed eyed smile. "Oh, of course! I was thinking the same thing." The RSA boy giggled. Looking over Neige's shoulder, Vil raised an eyebrow. "Where are your little friends?" He asked.

"Oh, Dominic and the others went to check out some exhibit booths," Neige explained, "Those guys just can't sit still for a second." He laughed. A small, almost relieved, grin made its way onto Vil's lips. "Ah. So you're alone. Your rehearsal performance was splendid. You have a way of captivating everyone around you. You always have." The blonde nearly hissed out.

Obvious to Vil's true feelings, Neige just giggled in delight. "Your performance was incredible too, you know! I could never pull off a song as cool as that one. And your dance moves were in such perfect sync. My eyes were glued to the stage! You and Y/N really did do an excellent job with your work." He exclaimed.

Vil's lips twisted into a momentary scowl. "Well... Thank you. I suppose we both want what we don't have." A deceptive smile suddenly spread across his face. "Say, Neige. Are you thirsty at all? I brought you some apple juice. I've been quite taken with this brand recently." The blonde said, holding up and presenting an apple juice from Epel's farm.

The boy gasped. "Ooh, that's the one you posted about on Magicam! I've been wanting to try it. How nice of you to bring me some!" Neige thanked, gladly taking the juice from Vil's hold. The Pomefiore housewarden's sick grin only widened. "By all means, then. Drink up."

Neige placed a hand on the cap, preparing to open it. "Don't mind if I do!" He said smiling. Both you and Rook tensed up. In split second thinking, you yanked Rook's hat off, threw it to the ground, grabbed onto his arm and dragged him out into the open.

"Neige! ...Vil. Hi. Funny seeing you two here." You announced suddenly, still clinging to a blinking Rook's arm. Both singers eyes widened. "Y/N! What are you doing here?" Neige exclaimed happily. You gestured towards the Frenchman with a wobbly smile. "Well, you see, Rook here lost his hat so we're looking for it. Have you seen it?" You babbled out. Rook looked at you with wide eyes, understanding and admiration filling his face.

Vil narrowed his eyes at you and Rook in suspicion and annoyance. Neige, blissfully unaware, frowned. "Oh no. I'm sorry to hear about that. I haven't seen it but I'll keep an eye open for it." Promised the ebony haired boy.

Rook waved a hand in dismissal. "Non, don't worry about it. My apologies for interrupting your chat, Roi des Neiges... Ah, pardon. Neige." The blonde reassured. Neige eyes widened slightly. "Roi des..."? Wait. Are you—?"

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