Doubling Dorms -66-

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"I still can't believe the Ramshackle pair fled to Octavinelle."

"And they stole the magic carpet. If the housewarden were to find out about this... Rrgh, what do we do?"

"I think we'd better take this to Vice Housewarden Jamil to start with." The three Scarabia students said to each other, not yet realizing you, Grim, and the Octavinelle trio were slowly closing in on them. You cringed upon entering the dorm with Grim in your arms, not exactly excited to be back to the place of your capture.

Of course, you didn't have that much to fear. After all, nothing would happen to you or Grim, that much was assured to you by Azul himself. In fact, the twins stood at either of your sides like bodyguards, ready to jump anyone who got within 5 feet of you. R.I.P that random Octavinelle student who tried.

Clearing his throat, Azul spread his arms out wide, a businesslike grin crossing over his face that made him look more like a shark than an octopus. "Hello, gentlemen. Mind if we pop by?" He asked with a crystal clear voice.

The three students quickly whipped their heads around to face your tiny group of five (six if you count the carpet). Floyd batted a hand near his face in an attempt to cool himself down. "Good GRAVY, it's hot here. Feels like the middle of summer." You turned your head to the eel, raising an eyebrow at him. "Well, we are in the middle of the desert."

Upon seeing your sheepishly grinning face, the Scarabia boys began to scowl with a glare. "You're the Octavinelle guys who gave us a thrashing last night!" One exclaimed accusingly. The guy next to him placed his hands on his hips. "What do you want with Scarabia?"

Azul placed a hand over his chest. "Permit me to apologize for what transpired last evening. It looked as though you were bullying defenseless animals. I stood up for them on the spot, out of the goodness of my heart." You sent him an unimpressed glance as he continued. "But after I heard their story... It became clear to me that the two Ramshackle residents were thieves who had made off with Scarabia's magic carpet. Once I realized my mistake, I took personal responsibility for the matter. I apprehended the criminals... And I came here to return the magic carpet to its rightful owner." He explained with a charming smile.

You clicked your tongue at his explanation, not all that happy with how he had described you two. At least Jade seemed amused, chuckling into his left hand.

Grim slumped in your arms. "Rgh... It ain't fair, I tell ya..." He murmured out. The carpet, rolled up under Floyd's arm, shook it's front to mimic a sad head shake.

Flabbergasted with the oh so "kind gesture" of the Octavinelle trio, the Scarabia students didn't know how to respond. "W-well, uh..." They bubbled out unsurely. "Thank you for"

Jamil suddenly walked through the front door of Scarabia, his eyes closed calmly with his arms folded behind his back. "Guys. It's about time for morning training. If you're late, Kalim will..." He opened his eyes, only to have them widen significantly at the scene in front of him. "Gh?!"

You smiled, happy to see the vice housewarden. "Jamil! You're here." You cheered. The brunet blinked, unsure of the situation. "A-And you are... too." He mumbled out, a hint of displeasure and surprise underlining his tone.

Widening his grin, Azul outstretched his arms again. "Why, Jamil! Hello there. How are you?" He greeted joyfully. Clearing his throat, Jamil averted his eyes from you to the other three. "Azul Ashengrotto... and the Leech brothers as well? What are you doing here?" He questioned with a small eye twitch.

Jade responded, hand folded over his chest with a smile on his face. "Our home isn't the most hospitable place in the wintertime." He explained. Floyd nodded before continuing for him. "So we spend our holidays in the dorm! Aha ha!"

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