SDC? -73-

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"That was the best sleep I've had in ages." Grim yawned as he rolled over on his back. You, who had somehow woken up in bed, stared up at the mirror after getting dressed. Where does the other side of that mirror lead? And just who was Mickey Mouse? Questions zoomed through your mind about a mile a minute, all without answers.

There was a slight thud next to you that brought you out of your daydream. Turning you attention to Grim, you saw that he was slightly glaring at you. "What're you gawkin' at the mirror for? You are SO weird sometimes. Anyway, it's back to school, huh?" He muttered in annoyance. You sighed out dramatically. "And so holiday vacation comes to an end..." Grim rolled his eyes.

Walking out into Main Street, you were met with three familiar faces. The moment Ace saw you, he was smiling and calling you over. "Heya, Y/N! Over here!" The strawberry blonde exclaimed. You quickly ran over with Grim in tow, sending Jack a blinding smile at seeing him. "Hi everyone!" You greeted.

Deuce sighed, lightly adjusting his over coat. "I see you guys all the time, but it feels like it's been years, for some reason." He said. Grim stood up, smirking at the navy haired male before putting his paws on his hips. "Nyeh heh! Clearly you missed me over break."

Jack rolled his eyes before beginning to usher the group along. "Oi. Don't stand around blocking traffic." The wolf warned. Ace blinked. "Whoa, Jack! Did you get a tan?" The male questioned. Jack raised an eyebrow before observing his arms. "Did I? I spent most of my holidays skiing, so it might be from that." He responded.

Ace huffed. "Huh, it snows a lot where you're from?" Grim tugged on your skirt with sparkling eyes. "What's skiing? I wanna try it!" The feline declared. You grinned. "Maybe one day." You said. The cat began to whine. "But I wanna try it nowwww..." He drew out, walking between your feet on purpose.

"Grim! Stop trotting around underfoot! You'll make me fall!" You exclaimed as you clumsily side-stepped around him. Suddenly someone collided straight into you, shoulders bumping into each other. Fortunately it caused Grim to stop being a nuisance on purpose.

You quickly tumbled back with your arms raised in a surrendering motion. You knew the boys at the school just loved picking fights, so hopefully you wouldn't have to deal with that. "Ah, I'm so sorry! Are you alright?" You asked kindly before your polite smile dropped slightly upon seeing who it was and the state they were in.

Fluffy lavender hair, big blue eyes, you've definitely seen him before, on multiple occasions, too. However, instead of that dazed-innocent look he often sported, the male had teary eyes and was frowning. He looked at you with wide eyes, seemingly recognizing you as well.

Of course he did, how could he not? And just when he thought this day couldn't get any worse, he wines up crashing right into you. This was so not the way he wanted you two to meet. Embarrassment and shame clouded his mind, usually pristine cheeks reflecting that in a deep red blush. He sniffled some more. Oh great Sevens, he was acting so unmanly.

You sweat dropped, not quite sure of what to make of the situation. The collision hadn't hurt that much, to you at least. Maybe he got the tail end of it. Deuce jumped back in shock. "Wh-whoa! Y-you're...crying?!" He yelled in shock.

Snickering a bit, Ace cupped his hands around his mouth. "Profeeessooor! Y/N is bullying a kid from another class and making him cry!" The strawberry blonde shouted out with a grin. You sent the male a quick glare before stomping your foot onto his own. He yelped and jumped back causing Jack and Deuce to cover their own laughter.

"Shut it, Ace!" You turned back to the faintly crying male and softened your gaze. "Did I hurt you that badly? I'm so sorry. Here, lean on my shoulder. I'll get you to the nurse's office." You offered, trying to help him out. Unfortunately, it proved counterproductive as it only made the blue eyed male even more distraught.

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