Spying -43-

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Sounds of groans and huffs filled the room as you and Jack continued to hide behind the counter. He, of course, wanted to join the fight, but you held him back. After all, it seemed like a fruitless effort considering it was the lounge mafia you were dealing with.

Floyd stood up with an annoyed whine. "Geez, what a bunch of wimps. They're barely worth squeezing." He groaned to the fallen students, especially sad he hadn't seen his new entertainment source in the form of the new female student anywhere. Jade only chuckled, sharply whipping off a spec of dust from his shoulder.

Azul put a hand to his chin, a mocking smile over his features while looking down at the crowd. "It's like a whole school of feeble small fries." He said nonchalantly with a small tilt of his head. Ace grunted, gesturing towards Azul with wide eyes. "How many kindsa magic can this Azul guy bust out? I call shenanigans!" He shouted angrily.

Jack raised his eyebrow, you two slowly stepping out from behind the bar. "Did Azul's golden contract deflect all of your attacks?" He asked the freshmen. Deuce groaned, putting a hand against his head. "Argh. This is just showing me how hard I lean on my specialty normally..." He mumbled.

The strawberry blonde only nodded along solemnly. "Without his fire magic, Grim's nothing more than your garden-variety weasel." He said with a sigh. Grim only growled, you now just realizing he was spread out on the floor in front of you. "Myah... I ain't a weasel..." He mumbled angrily before letting his head fall face first onto the floor.

Someone cleared their throat, successfully gaining everyone's attention. Azul raised up a golden scroll with a proud grin. It had the Octavinelle crest on it with the words Contract. "You have all signed these golden contracts. An official contract is completely unbreakable, regardless of how many bodies you throw at it. No magic can harm this document in any way. Heh heh heh... As long as the sea anemones stay on your heads, you will have no choice but to follow my orders. Why don't you start by cleaning up the lounge? You can handle ingredient prep work afterward. Go on, now. On your feet and get to work!" He ordered with a flick of his wrist.

The boys with anemones on their heads let out surprised noises as they began running around, grabbing cleaning supplies and whipping tables down. Ace raised his arms in alarm. "Is this for real...?" He asked to no one in particular. Azul swiftly turned to his two companions. "Jade. Floyd. You're in charge of instructing the new staff." He ordered calmly.

Jade gave him a polite nod. "Yes, sir." He said respectfully. Floyd only gave him a salute with a wide grin. "Yessir!" He exclaimed before the two twins walked off. Jade didn't pay you any mind, hands folded neatly in front of him and eyes set straight ahead of him. Floyd was another story, lazily following behind his brother, he turned to you and smirked, mouth filled with razor sharp teeth. His yellow eye quickly closed in a wink before chuckling off. Jack growled, immediately stepping in front of you protectively. You almost jumped back in surprise.

The growl from your wolf seemed to have alerted Azul who easily glided over with a polite smile. "You're...Jack Howl from Savanaclaw Dorm. And Y/N from Ramshackle Dorm. I believe we've met once before during the entrance ceremony. I would appreciate it if you took your leave now. Why don't you come by as costumers next time? You're welcome whenever you like." He said calmly as if he hadn't just enslaved over 200 students.
Also, where was Crowley?

Jack gritted his teeth, glaring daggers into the business man as a growl began to tear through his throat. You quickly grabbed his arm, slightly pulling him back. "Jack, let's just go. There's nothing we can do right now." You informed softly, a hint of desperation scattered in there.

Almost instantly, Jack's scowl melted into a simple frown, glancing back at you and contemplating. "Fine." He mumbled lowly before turning back and sending one last glare at Azul. "But we'll be back, and we'll be prepared next time, too." Jack threatened as you slid your hand down his arm to take his hand in your's. He gently gripped it before turning away and leading you with him.

Beauty & The Beasts (Twisted Wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now