Bullied Octopus -54-

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So, like, is Walt Disney the God of Twisted Wonderland or something else?

Where were we?

Ah, yes... The giant overblot tentacle flying straight at you with the intent to obliterate you.
Good times.

The only thing you were capable of doing in the moment was stumbling backwards before twisting your face up into an expectant 'I'm about to be punched' face.

But, instead of a hard blow to the head, you ended up on the ground with a muscular yet lean body atop of you. Though you were under them, you barely felt an impact as a gloved hand was holding the back of your head, keeping it from hitting the floor. Your eyes shot open.

"Jade?!" You yelled out in question. He gritted his teeth. "Are you alright?" The eel looked down at you with a face mixed of strain and worry. Letting out a huff of relief, you bobbed your head. "Yeah, I'm okay... I think." He sent you a stern nod before fully turning his head to the overblotted octopus. "Azul! What are you doing?!" He called out before quickly getting off you.

After he himself was up, Jade outstretched a hand to you. Despite the dire situation, you couldn't help but notice how he still managed to keep his calm and composed butler physique. It was almost impressive.

Floyd, Ace, Deuce, Jack, and Grim all ran up, eyes bulging as they stared at Azul in shock. Their clothes and hair were dripping, leaving small puddles wherever they walked. "Whoa, yikes. What's goin' on here?" Floyd yelled, stepping back with furrowed eyebrows. Ace grimaced. "Dude, this does NOT look good!" He yelled as Grim jumped down from Deuce's shoulder and hopped into your arms. You held him tightly against your chest, not minding how he wetted your drying clothes.

"Azul's out of control!" Deuce yelled as he narrowly dodged one of Azul's spells. Jack scowled, getting into a fighting stance with his fists up, not even bothering to pull out his magic pen. "Looks like he's sucking different students' powers outta them by force." He concluded.

The cat shivered in your hold as Azul continued to laugh manically. "Eeep... Leona! You were bullyin' him, weren't you?!" Grim yelled over to the larger feline in an accusatory tone. Leona scrunched up his nose. "Now you're blaming me? You're the ones who told me to turn the contracts into sand." He resorted with a lazy flick of the wrist. Your eye twitched at him.

Azul stretched his arms out wide, an unhinged smile crossed over his face. "Jade! Floyd! Ahhh, you've finally come back to me," he said in a booming voice, "Would you believe that thanks to these FOOLS, I've lost all of my contracts? Which is why I'm going to need your powers now. Come on, give them to me!" He yelled, pointing at the two twins.

Jade frowned, taking a small step forward before raising a hand in an almost calm manner. "Hold on. Your signature spell is so powerful, it's impossible to control correctly without a contract scroll. You have to stop this before you further hurt yourself or another." The eel said with a firm face.

Azul's smile only increased. He dragged a hand threw his sliver hair in a stressed out fashion. "But I lost it all, you see? Everything! Aha ha... AHA HA HA! I'm going to revert back to my old self if I don't act now!" He yelled before blasting out a spell near Floyd. The boy jumped away, quickly going to grab his magic pen. "Y'know, Azul, I never saw you as lame before. But now? The way you're actin' is pretty lame." He shouted back.

"Ooohhh, is that a fact?" Azul questioned in an angered tone, the smile never once leaving his face. "I'm just a silly little octo-twerp who can't do anything on his own. That's why I'm going to take everyone's powers. I will rise above your perceptions. A beautiful singing voice! Powerful magics! All of it, MINE! Hand it all over at once!" He screamed.

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