Into The Mostro Lounge -44-

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Jade looked down at you, his gloved hand coming to lightly lift your chin up. His yellow and olive brownish eyes staring you down with an intensity that seemed like it could crush you. "Is it just my imagination, or is someone looking a bit dour today?" He cooed sweetly.

The boys glared daggers at the male. Ace sneered. "Oh, y'know, we're just coming to terms with being ordered around by a trio of tyrants!" He shouted angrily, eyes trained on where Jade's glove met your paralyzed chin. Floyd giggled gleefully, gripping your shoulders and pulling you back to his chest with a smile as you yelped, Jade's hand no longer holding up your chin. "Aha ha! Aren't you cute?! If only the sea anemone that breached its contract wasn't talking." His face darkened into a glare. "You guys know you're in no position to complain. So shut your traps." You lightly gulped, looking towards the boys in a desperate attempt to get help.

Jade chuckled, putting his hand under his own chin. "Allow me to clarify: I wasn't talking to the sea anemones. I was specifically addressing you... Y/N, prefect of Ramshackle Dorm." He said in a dangerously calm voice. Your body stiffened, quickly looking up to meet the heterochromia gaze of the Octavinelle student.

"Y-Yes?!" You squeaked out as Floyd squeezed you a bit more. "Awww, look at you, scurrying backwards like a shrimp afraid of being someone's lunch!" He cooed. "And on that note... You're so teeny, I'ma call you Little Shrimpy from now on!" The male announced proudly.

The two Heartslabyul students and Grim cringed. "I think most students on campus would be small compared to you two." Deuce mumbled. Ace nodded. "Yeah, and having two guys this big standing together is a special kind of imposing."

Jade only continued. "I understand that you were playing little spy games with Riddle and others just recently, Y/N. You may know who we are already, but I've always been a stickler for formal introductions." He chuckled out. "I am Jade Leech, and this is my twin brother Floyd."

Floyd let you go to stand next to his brother, giving you a salute with a wide grin. "Heya. I'm Floyd. Nice to meetcha, Little Shrimpy." He said cheerfully. "Now, where was I? Ah, yes... Allow me to infer what troubles you, Y/N. Could your anxiety perhaps stem from these three anemone stooges?" Jade asked with an eyebrow raised.

Jack frowned at the two, almost baring his teeth in the process. "Perhaps? Listen to you, acting all coy." He said with a glare. Floyd looked over in boredom. "What's your problem? You're as prickly as a sea urchin." He said in slight annoyance. Jack's mouth went agape. "Wh—I'm a WOLF, not a sea urchin!" He exclaimed.

The two boys ignored him, both training their attention solely on you. "If the source of your troubles does in fact lie with these sea anemones... I believe you would be well-served discussing the matter with Azul in person, Y/N." Jade said with a small smile.

Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "What... exactly do you mean?" Jade tilted his head slightly, his usual grin still present. "You will find Azul to be as benevolent as the Sea Witch, one of the Great Seven. I have no doubt he would treat your misgivings with all due gravity." He informed coyly.

Floyd rapidly nodded his head. "Yeah! Azul's a real problem-solver. For example..." His smile became sly. "He could set these sea anemones free if you asked him to." The male whistled out innocently. The three boys with anemones sticking out of their heads quickly leaned forwards, eyes wide in hope. "Really?!" They all asked eagerly.

Jade gave them a firm, reassuring nod. "Absolutely." He said before opening his eyes and staring you down. "Just remember: you can't get something for nothing." The male said as if in a warning tone. Jack tossed his legs over the bench, standing and taking a step in front of you with a sneer. "Tch. So that's your angle. You wanna rope Y/N into one of his contracts." He interrogated.

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