A Voice -106-

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With the other housewardens (plus Jamil), Vil, Idia, and Ortho were left alone in the conference room. Vil crossed his arms, drumming his fingernails against his arm impatiently. However, that quickly changed when the eldest Shroud explained the situation that even he didn't understand.

"Rook and Epel followed us all the way here?!" Cried the blonde in disbelief. Idia nodded in confirmation. "AND they brought Y/N with 'em." He added on quickly.

Vil went white as a paper, placing a hand against his forehead in faint shock. "My dear, sweet Y/N, too?! Please, tell me you're joking! Ugh, I'll kill them! Or more specifically Rook." His hissed in anger. He knew Rook was... eccentric, but he hardly believed it could be to this level.

Idia rolled his eyes. "Wish I was, dude. Their attack's gonna go down as the wildest thing to ever happen at Styx." He said bluntly with his hands stuffed in his pockets. Vil pinched the bridge of his nose. "What possessed them to do such a thing? Were they actually trying to rescue me?" He questioned. If you were there, then it was a likely reason as you had a bad habit of sticking your nose right into trouble.

The fire haired male just used his head to gesture towards his brother on his right. "Ortho, go on and give him the stuff Rook brought." The robotic boy nodded and happily. "Roger," he said before moving away to gather the variety of blue bottles in his arms. "Here you are, Vil Schoenheit. A full set of your preferred skincare products!" He announced, thrusting it towards the slack jawed male.

He blinked. "...I beg your pardon?" The blonde said slowly. Idia's eyes widened. "RIGHT?!" He exclaimed, "That's the normal reaction! When Rook came flying up to the island on that broom... He held out those bottles and was like, "You must give these to Vil!" And I swear every Styx staffer there just froze in place." The blue haired male reported animatedly to the other.

Ortho nodded, confirming his brother's words. "He said he was here to rescue his boon companion from mortal peril." The boy recounted.

"Aha... AHAHAHAHAHA!" The brothers glanced at each other in awkward confusion, watching as Vil broke out into chaotic amounts of laughter. "I could hug and kiss all of them right now. Then I'd slap them in the face." The blonde suddenly exclaimed.

He continued, "I thought I was used to Rook's antics, but this truly takes the cake. And then there's Epel and Y/N! I explicitly told them not to get involved. They just never listen. Aah... it's just what makes her so irresistible," he sighed out dreamily before going back into his firm tone, "I must give them a stern talking-to once we get back. They need to understand how foolish this was. But since they were kind enough to bring it all, I'll gladly take it." He said, happily gathering the products up in his arms.

Suddenly he paused, holding a specific vial in his hand with a slightly surprised look. "Hm? This serum..." He murmured quietly. Ortho cocked his head to the side. "Something wrong?" He asked politely.

Vil quickly shook his head. "Oh, no, not really. This isn't what I normally use. It's a high-end product imbued with a special cantrip. After seeing how violently the Charon troops dragged me off... Rook must've feared I was in dire straits." The blonde explained while woefully flicking away his bangs from his eyes.

Idia deadpanned. On the other hand, Ortho tapped his chin in thought. "They knew they didn't stand a chance, yet they came after you anyway. Rook and the others must be really caring friends." He observed. Idia glanced at his brother with an eyebrow raised. "Uh, what they did was way beyond "caring." More like creepy, TBH." He commented.

The blonde huffed a laugh. "Heh. Rook can certainly be eccentric, but once you get used to it, you see he's quite affable and honest. Honest to fault sometimes, and utterly devoid of tact..." he shrugged, "But regardless, he's ensured I'll be in top form for my photo shoot next week. I imagine not every subject is allowed to receive care packages from the outside. Thank you, Boss." Vil sneered out lightly.

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