Data Testing -101-

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Shout out to Crewel since it's chapter 101.

Strolling into the control room with an easy smile, Ortho went straight to his brother with his report. "Test one complete. Subjects are cooling down within the sim." He said happily. A technician beside him tapped away at the screen in front of them. "Subjects A, C, and E's vital signs are all normal. Blot accumulation is within the standard range." They informed blankly.

Idia nodded, hands stuffed in his pockets. "Yeah, that's about what I expected. Time to see if the numbers differ in the next one." The fire haired male ordered. The other technician began the procedure. "Simulator has synched with the Lachesis System. We're all set for the second test."

"Okay, phase transition time. Ortho, take it away." Idia said, giving his younger brother to good-to-go. Ortho beamed. "Roger! Virtual enemy mode, standby. Commencing dive!" He shouted.

Meanwhile, in the simulation room, the world around the boys began to change into a familiar place. Slowly, colored pixels filled their vision, revealing... the cafeteria?

Azul jumped with a startled look on his face as the three of them severed the room. "What?!" He cried. "Is this... the cafeteria?" Vil asked slowly. Riddle's eyebrows furrowed together. "What's their game now?" He said suspiciously.

Their thoughts were interrupted when the sound of footsteps echoed in the room followed by a flamboyant voice. "Aha. There you are, Roi du Poison." Rook exclaimed with his arms stretched out in cheer. Next to him, Trey put on a kind smile. "Oh good, you're here too, Riddle. The housewarden meeting's about to start." He informed lightly. Jade gestured towards some papers within his hold with a polite look. "Azul, I've brought the documents for the topic you wanted to discuss."

There was a moment of silence before Rook spoke up again. "What's the matter with you three? You look positively bewildered." He observed. The housewardens did indeed have a bewildered look on their face, unable to comprehend how this was possible even with Idia's high technology. They were so realistic... but why were they here?

Trey touched his cheek with a confused look. "Do we ALL have something on our faces?" He asked with an eyebrow raised. Vil blinked before shaking his head and turning around. He closed his eyes. "No... It's nothing. Let's go." He said sharply, still confused with the situation at hand.

Behind him, Rook tsked and chuckled. A smirk blossomed across his face. "Heh... Silly, Vil... You've left your back wide open!" The hunter cried before withdrawing his magical pen out shooting a blast of magic into the square of Vil's back. Luckily, the purple eyed male was able to dodge right at the last minute.

"Huh?! Just what do you think you're doing, Rook?!" The Pomefiore housewarden screamed with a surprised glare. There was even more shots at magic, this time at Riddle and Azul from their respective vice housewardens. "Jade?!" Azul yelled as he jumped back. Riddle's face went red in anger. "Trey?! What is this?!" He shouted.

The three vice housewardens all smirked in unison. "Have you forgotten? Every student at this school has the right to challenge the housewardens for their seat." Rook reminded the three boys. Jade held up his supposed documents up to reveal they were papers to become housewardens. "We've already filed the paperwork for this with the headmage." He said smoothly.

Vil stepped back. "You all wish to become housewardens?" He said in disbelief. Rook faked a pitying frown. "Let me explain, Vil. As you know, I appreciate beautiful things. Hence... I can hardly allow someone who's acted as ugly as you to occupy the Fairest Queen's throne!" He shouted before firing off another shot.

The beautiful blonde narrowly managed to dodge, the magic zooming right past his head. "Let me ask you something," Rook began with a cruel smirk, "Were you in love with her, Y/N that is? Did you honestly think she'd want you when she had someone like us?"

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