Around the School -88-

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"I'm wishing for the one I see to find me~ to find me today~ today~" The beautiful boy sung lowly, looking into the crowd of vendors readying themselves for the festival while hoping to just catch a single glimpse of one particular person. Meanwhile, peeking in from behind a nearby wall, seven RSA students looked in curiously at the male.

"What's up with him?" A dark red haired male inquired, throwing a thumb over his shoulder into Neige's direction. "I'm not sure." Dominic answered, eyebrows furrowing together. Snick whipped his nose from beneath his large scarf. "Maybe he's sick...?" The nasally voice of the curly orange haired dwarf drew out.

Timmy gasped, eyes widening from behind his overgrown bangs. "He can't be sick! We have a performance!" The male cried in distress. "Maybe he's just sleepy..." Yawned Shelpie, nearly falling asleep himself. Dominic put a hand to his chin and hummed. "I don't think that's it." He murmured.

Hop grinned widely. "He could just be excited for the show. I know I am!" He exclaimed. Still conflicted, Dominic pursed his lips and sighed. "I suppose that could be it. Toby, what you think? ...Toby?" The white haired male looked around all around, hoping to catch a glimpse of the plum haired male.

Groaning, Grum nudged Dominic on the arm and gestured towards Neige who Toby was happily approaching. Dominic face palmed. "Neige?" The plum haired dwarf began. The male in question glanced down, slightly surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend.

"Oh, hello, Toby. How can I help you?" Neige questioned while leaning down with a dazzling smile. "Why are you acting so strange?" Toby asked innocently. There were several groans of disbelief from the six other dwarfs. Neige blinked widely at the male, cheeks slightly flushing at being caught.

Letting out a sigh of defeat, Neige crouched down even more and grinned. "Want to know a secret?" The beautiful ebony haired boy drew out. That caught his other six friend's attention. They quickly nodded. Neige giggled and gestured for them to come closer. They obliged. "Promise not to tell?" The male pressed on. The dwarfs nodded again.

Giggling even more, Neige gestured for them to come even closer. Once they were all gather around him, Neige cupped a hand around his mouth as if to whisper them a secret. "I met someone." He confessed. Six dwarfs gasped in disbelief and shock. Meanwhile, Toby tilted his head in confusion. "But... you meet new people everyday, Neige." He remarked.

Grum slapped him upside the head. "Not like that!" The dwarf cried. Hop, hopping in excitement, grinned. "It means he met somebody he likes!" The blonde sang out. Neige flushed even more in embarrassment as Toby let out a noise of realization before smiling. "That's great!" He exclaimed.

Adjusting his glasses, Dominic blinked up towards the male. "That's fantastic, Neige. What are they like?" He asked. Neige grinned and clasped his hands together with a blissful sigh. "Oh, she's wonderful!" Neige exclaimed with sparkling eyes. "She's intelligent and kind and brave and lovely and strong and charming and-"

"Alright! We get it!" Grum yelled. Neige blinked owlishly and slightly coughed in embarrassment. "Ah. Sorry." Neige apologized with a flustered face. "I suppose I got a bit carried away there..." Dominic just chuckled. "Well, she sounds just beautiful. Hopefully we'll be able to meet her soon." The dwarf said calmly.

Neige quickly nodded. "Oh, yes. She should be here today. I'd be happy to introduce you guys." His smile suddenly dropped into a look of shock. "Oh, but we really should be finishing our final touches. Come now, there's no time to waste!" He declared determinedly as his dwarf friends let out a cry of agreement. "Yeah!"

Concurrently, deeper inside the festival, you stood in between Riddle and Trey with Grim in your arms, doing final checks around the festival. Still, despite not even being opened yet, the place was still buzzing with excitement. Something Grim seemed to pick up on. "It ain't even open yet, and it's already buzzin' with people!" The cat cried.

Beauty & The Beasts (Twisted Wonderland x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now