Rest is for the Weak -68-

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"We gotta get outta here! We gotta get— I gotta start packing. Only essentials." A blurred voice called out from the far left of wherever you were laying. You furrowed your eyebrows in an attempt to wake up. Unfortunately, you never got the chance as a random object smacked you right on your forehead. "Ouch!" You cried before springing up.

Iago jumped, quickly looking over his shoulder. "Wha-! Ah, Y/N, perfect timing! We gotta go!" The bird exclaimed as he continued to throw things out of his bird cage. "Remember, travel light! Bring the guns, the weapons, the knives." He suddenly pulled out a picture before flying onto your shoulder.

Showing it to you, he revealed it was a picture of him and Jafar. "And how about this picture? I don't know— I think I'm making a weird face in it." He confessed. You raised an eyebrow in confusion. "I... think it looks fine?" You replied in an unsure tone.

Before Iago could respond, Jafar began maniacally laughing, a wide, wild grin spreading across his face. Iago shook his head solemnly but quickly. "Oh, boy— he's gone nuts. He's cracked." The bird said before flying over to Jafar and knocking him on the head. "Jafar? Jafar? Get a grip, Jafar!" He yelled.

Jafar's hand suddenly lurched out and grabbed Iago's neck. "Good grip!" The bird complimented with a raspy voice.

Turning to you, Jafar smiled. "Y/N, you were right. There was something strange about that "prince" and his servant. Turns out, Prince Ali is nothing more than that ragged urchin Aladdin. And he has the lamp." The sorcerer explained as you stood up and looked around the room. Perhaps a secret layer of some sort. It had the ominous vide for sure.

You blinked at the male, not quite processing his last sentence. "Huh?" The vizier groaned and ran a hand down his face. "The lamp. It's said to contain an all powerful genie that can grant three wishes to the one that possesses it. With it, I can finally be sultan!" Exclaimed an excited Jafar.

Unimpressed, you pursed your lips. Why were all these people so obsessed with power and status?

Jafar's face suddenly hardened. "But now that street rat has it. I thought he had perished in the Cave of Wonders." Iago clenched his wings, feathers bunching up at his sides. "Why that miserable—" He started.

Holding up a hand, Jafar silenced him. "It's no matter. Now we don't have to find the diamond in the rough. We just have to get the lamp. And you are going to relieve him of it!" Jafar declared. Iago patted his chest in confusion. "Me?" Jafar nodded.

Finally stepping forwards, you looked Jafar in the eye. "I'm sorry, but why do you want to be sultan so bad?" You asked. The vizier's face melted into a large grin. "Power! Respect!" He exclaimed with a fist raised in the air. Iago lifted a wing of his own. "No more crackers!" He added on.

Shrugging it off, Jafar repeated his trusted friend's wish. "No more crackers! You see, my dear, the more power you have, the better off you are. Do I not deserve this? I've spend years, years, by that imbecile of sultan, advising him to make decisions. Without me, this entire land would have fallen to famine and despair." He argued.

Scratching your cheek, you raised an eyebrow at the vizier. "Well, I'm pretty sure I saw some poverty when we saw that parade, but whatever." Jafar glared at you. "I have been loyal for years and suddenly a street rat comes in, pretending to be a prince. Why, I'm doing their highnesses a favor."

Humming, you placed two fingers to your lips while your other fingers were crossed together. "So Prince Ali isn't a prince?" Jafar shook his head. "Oh no, he's merely Aladdin. A con, need I go on, take it from me. He's simply taking advantage of the princess to become sultan." He said.

"If that's really what you think, why not just tell them?" You asked. Jafar growled. "I tried! But instead got the tables turned on me. He revealed I was using hypnosis on the sultan. That street rat is infuriating clever." The sorcerer complained.

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