Closed Dealings -56-

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"Morning, Little Shrimpy, Baby Seal! We're here to get you. It's time to go!"

"Did you just break in the door using your foot?" You said while deadpanning at the two twins. Both wore smiles, Jade with his ever so polite one and a hand on his chest and Floyd with a lazy grin.

Currently, you were sitting on a Ramshackle couch, Grim on your gym uniformed lap as you fixed his collar onto his neck. Speaking of Grim, the poor cat jump up in shock when the two Octavinelle students made their appearances. "Erk! Whenever I see you two, I'm always worried you're schemin' something. Makes my heart skip a beat." The feline confessed.

Jade gently huffed out a breath. "Please. We would never dream of getting rough with those who aren't in breach of contract. The weather's quite clear today— perfect for an outing. On that note..." Floyd finished his sentence off for him. "Off we go to the Atlantica Memorial Museum!" He declared.

After Grim had hopped off your lap, you got up and walked over to the twins. Jade continued to speak. "Azul's arranged it so that we'll have the whole museum booked for ourselves. He's already gone ahead and is waiting for us on-site." He said calmly.

You nodded in confirmation before sending them a stern look. "You'd better not have doctored the photo, okay? And that picture had better go back where it belongs." You said, knowing just how scheming the trio can be. Jade sent you a small grin full of amusement. "We haven't. I've taken full responsibility for keeping the photo in safe custody." He said.

Floyd's smile widened as he quickly took ahold of your wrist. "You're takin' this so seriously, Little Shrimpy! We get it, don't worry. Now, time's a-wastin'!" He exclaimed before beginning to run out the door and to the Hall of Mirrors with you in tow. "Woah! Floyd, slow down! My legs aren't as long as your's!" You cried over Jade's amused chuckling.

Grim gasped. "Hey, give me back my henchmen!" He yelled before running after you two on all fours.

Once the four of you had gotten to the Mirror Chamber, you quickly downed an underwater breathing potion (hopefully for the last time) before diving into the mirror. The twins happily transformed into their eels forms, stretching their fins in the process.

Upon entering the museum, Ace pulled you deeper inside before spreading his arms out in front of you in a presenting motion. "Duuude! This is WILD. So this is what it's like inside." He said with a wide grin. You brought a hand to cover your amused giggles at his awestricken face.

Deuce calmly swam over to the large statue in the middle of the room to examine it. "There's a statue of a legendary Sea King. Huh. I guess there're more famous figures around these parts than just the Sea Witch." He mumbled aloud. Jack, who had suddenly appeared next to you, whistled. "Wow. That king's pretty ripped." He mumbled underneath his breath, his eyes practically sparking.

Azul, still in his human form, swam over to you with a welcoming smile. Yet this one was different from the one when he was talking to the newcomers at the entrance ceremony or when introducing the Mostro Lounge. This one was gentler with no ulterior motive behind it. You certainly like this smile much better.

"Welcome, everyone, to the Atlantica Memorial Museum," Azul said. "The Mostro Lounge will be holding a study tour today. Or at least, that's the purpose of our visit on paper. Regardless, I bid you take your time and enjoy yourselves." Grim looked up from where he was looking to see the octopus. "There you are, octo-tentacle Azul! Only... you're not. Are you just stayin' in human form?" The cat questioned.

The silver haired male nodded. "Yes. Betentacled mermen like myself aren't common around these parts. I wouldn't want to draw any undue attention to myself when our job is to return a photo on the sly." He explained calmly.

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