Sleeping In The Lion's Den -46-

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"Not a chance."

You clicked your tongue, expecting as much from the overgrown Garfield. You were in the Savanclaw lounge, everyone already in bed aside from the housewarden and vice housewarden. Leona was laying on a chair made of nothing but wood and fabric, Ruggie laid next to him on the chair to his left. His green eyes immediately flicked over to you the moment you entered, eyebrow raising in question.

Jack blinked. "You didn't even pause before answering..." He sweat dropped. Leona raised a hand, flicking his wrist in the direction of you and Grim. "No pets allowed in the dorm. They shed all over the place." He responded with ease.

Grim face flushed over on irritation. "First of all, I AIN'T NO PET. Second of all, I DO NOT! Aren't you guys, like, a billion times furrier than me?!" He yelled from your arms. Leona only smirked. "I wasn't talkin' about you." He replied to the cat, eyes flickering up to meet yours as a challenge. You held back the overwhelming impulse to flip him off, but simply gave him a tight smile instead.

The hyena chuckled, nodding his head along to Leona's 'argument'. "And this is about you, not us." He commented. The lion sighed, slightly throwing his head back to move his bangs away from his eyes before continuing, "For one thing... Our empty rooms haven't been cleaned in months. Dorm students use 'em as a dumping ground for their junk. Where are we supposed to put up two extra freeloaders?" He questioned with an eyebrow raised.

Ruggie suddenly jumped, eyes wide in excitement despite a scheme brewing behind them. "Ooh, I know! Why don't you just bunk with 'em in your room, Leona?" Everyone eyes instantly fell onto him, wide and full of surprise. "What?!" The other four of you exclaimed.

Leona sat up, scowl plastered over his face. Although, you could make out just the lightest traces of a scarlet red blush over his dark cheeks. "Ruggie, if you keep flapping your lips, you're about to find 'em sewn shut." He growled out lowly, a tone almost laced in embarrassment.

"Think of it this way, Leona." Ruggie said. "You're used to havin' people do everything for ya, right? What if we put 'em in charge of serving you instead of charging for room and board? Seems like a win-win to me." He shrugged. You raised an eyebrow. "So... basically making me his maid?" Leona only growled at him again. "Grr... Ruggie, you little..."

"Hey, I still ain't fully healed up from the interdorm Spelldrive tournament, y'know? I dunno if it was that major magic I chugged a whole potion to use or what, but hard work's been wearin' me down more than ever lately. And if I might remind you, Leona, I busted my tail for you. So I'm thinkin' I'd heal a whole lot faster if I had these guys waiting on you for a while!" Ruggie explained proudly. Leona scoffed before laying back again. "Tch. You're a regular mercenary sometimes." He complained.

The male in question only smiled, innocently shrugging with a smile. "Hey now, I haven't said a single dishonest word! Shyeheehee." He responded with a laugh. Leona scratched his neck, seemingly unsure with the proposition. Well, if worst comes to worst, you could always go to Heartslabyul. Suddenly you smirked, an idea coming to mind.

"Leona~" You sang out mischievously, bouncing from the tip of your toes to your heels. "Next time Cheka comes over, all watch him for a whole day." You offered up. The lion's head snapped over to you, eyes wide. "Deal." He said instantly. Jokes on him, it was a win-win for you. Ruggie and Jack sweat dropped at the action. "But let's make this clear, herbivore. Ya get... let's say three days. No more, no less. Got it?" He said with narrowed eyes.

You sighed in relief. "That's all I need." You responded. Grim smiled victoriously, pointing at the housewarden. "Okay, a deal's a deal! I want that three-day stay and I want it now!" He demanded. Leona only growled in response. "Grrr... Tch. Just remember, even the slightest bit of trouble from you and you'll be out the door faster than you can say "tuna casserole." You hear me?"

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