𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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liked by, masonmount, laurenfryer and 433,293 others

zoemount me and macie are gonna miss you but bring that trophy home 💙

tagged; masonmount


username1 why aren't you going abu dhabi?
zoemount i've got covid so i'm unable to fly out

masonmount i already miss you :(
zoemount you've only just left my love
masonmount i know but i miss you xxx
zoemount your so cute x
masonmount i love you xx
zoemount i love you more xxxx

username2 will you be flying out at all?
zoemount probably not it depends when i'm negative

jakerice HEY SISTER
jakerice dad let me get it
zoemount did mum have a say?
jakerice no? she just kind of smiled
zoemount jake, jake listen to me you need to tell mum to leave, your dad isn't safe pls, you know what message me on the gc with dec okay?
jakerice okay :)

username3 i hope zoe's mum is okay

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