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Kemi's Pov.

Was it just me?

Well, hospitals sucks.

Yea, its quite and all that. But that stabbing smell of drugs is a no  for me.

Like hell no.

I will throw up!

Reasons to why I still avoid my medications even as an adult. And i am here wondering why I haven’t puked on this sheets.

There is a phobia for hospitals right?

Well, maybe I am its victim.

The woman laying on the hospital bed seemed to had taken away all my fears and anxiety. She slept peacefully and I could hear her light snores. Well, once she’s up, she would swear on anything that she doesn’t snore.

Why do people have a problem with snoring?

Especially when caught in the act.

Matter of fact, my mum was one. But she would sure deny your claims.

One of this days, I would sure record it for a replay.

Such a sweet daughter she has.

My phone chimed disrupting the quite and serene room. Ronke's name flashed on my screen and I grinned picking up the call.

“Babe, how are you?” Her loud voice floated in.

“I am fine. Just sucks seating in this hospital all day.” I sighed.

Her laughter filled in followed by few seconds of silence.

“How is mum? Can I speak to her?”

“She’s recovering. She was given this antidote that makes her to sleep. So maybe you talk to her later.”

“Alright then. I miss you so much. The house feels empty without you.”

“Awwwn. Look who is missing me.I will be back before Sunday.”

“That reminds me. Were you serious about Sharon asking you to cater for her event?” She inquired and I couldn’t miss the surprise in her tone.

Well, I was surprised as she was.

“Yes. I will call you back.” I replied hanging up as a nurse walked in.

“Good afternoon ma'am” The tall slender lady broke in with a smile walking to where I had sat. Her hair was tied in a bun and the tag on her well pressed white dress read 'Mitchelle'

“Morning Mitchelle.”

“She would be discharged soon. She’s recovering quite fast.”

I nodded watching as she arranged some tablets on a table. Once she was done she placed a palm to mum’s forehead feeling her temperature.

“Mrs. Nora?”  She called out softly. Mum stirred opening her eyes slowly.

“Mum,” I called out a bit louder than I had intended clasping her hands with mine.

“How are you feeling?” The nurse inquired with that smile still marred on that beautiful face of hers.

“Very well.” Mum replied with a weak smile.

Unlike other nurses i had  an encounter with, this one was jovial. Other nurses took their occupations like some sort of gold or entitlement. Shouting and returning mean words to their patients.

I still couldn’t forget the scene that took place after my appendix operation. The nurse that had been assigned to me  had almost blocked my ears with the meanest words.

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