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                 🌹Victor and Kelvin🌹

This chapter is dedicated to @komercy❤️


Rowland had drove in just in time. I was already exhausted from kemi's assumptions. It seamed like all the words she kept blurting out was stored in her head and kept on replay.

Kelvin on the other hand wasn’t making things easier but rather difficult. After much efforts to get him to send his residential address so we could sort things out.It all fell on deaf ears as he had declined my offer without thinking it twice.

The greatest risk i had taken was to walk into the hotel room i had reserved undisguised.

Obviously I needed to freshen up and have a change in outfit.

First the receptionist seamed to had kept me waiting intentionally with her silly excuses to how the cleaner assigned to my room was yet to be done cleaning.

Like you could imagine! I was just too lenient.

Then a plump lady had arrived to the scene from only god knows where mopping at me like a puppet.

“You must be the guy from the t.v” She gasped covering  her mouth with her palms immediately. As if  just on the realization that she was leaking a very delicate information.

I only could stare back at her and wonder if she was in her right state of mind.

I was no actor or musician or even a t.v presenter to be seen on t.v.

Well maybe I was wrong about that.

So I did the right thing anyone one in my shoe would have done. I ignored her claims retrieving my access card to my reserved room from the receptionist, as i made my out to the elevator.

Instantly flashlights were everywhere almost blinding my vision , voices i hadn’t realize were present filled in and I only could gape in surprise at the amount of reporters present at  the reception room.

Questions were popping out from different voices like stray bullets. Similar questions in a different context.

“Mr. Victor is it true?.”

“Mr. Victor this can’t be true, can it?.”

“Mr. Victor this is a rumor right?.

Rhetorical questions that I dared not to answer.

Nobody was asking if I was fucking ok or cool about it.

Hastening my steps I made my way into to the elevator and could only thank my stars that the doors to the elevator hadn’t chopped off the hands of the female reporter that kept forcing her way in.

Sourcing for news was now becoming a desperation.

Damn it!!. I hated paparazzi. The media ,the press. Name it.My whole life seamed to be crumpling at my watch.

And I felt no lesser than an outcast in his own father's land.

Kelvin’s Pov.

Am i handsome?

 Yes, a ladies man at that.

 I don’t necessarily have all the six spacs and Abs you would be watching out for . Obviously Victor should have that.

Just like he has every other thing.

I sat in my not so little apartment in my living room. Papers were littered around on the glass table . One would think I was probably trying to calculate the votes for the upcoming elections as I kept chewing on the pen i held unto.

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