Old Allies

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(In Sonic's dimension)

(Off in the midday on the beach lies, a small rowboat of some kind. A bright teal fox female, and a sunset orange porcupine male are seen walking away from the boat)

Porcupine: What do you think Sonar? Do you think this island hasn't been discovered yet?

Sonar: (uncerntain) I don't know Spike, seems like it may have life on it already.

Spike: (prominent) Only one way to find out. (heads to the right)

Sonar: (lowers ears) Let's hope that this place does have some society on it. (follows behind Spike)

(About an hour of following the beach side they come across a very familiar straw-made shack)

Spike: (dispirited) Awe...There are people here.

Sonar: Sorry to burst your bubble, Spike.

Spike: (brightens up) Let's see what inside it. (walks to the shack)

Sonar: (whisper) Spike! Someone could live in there! That could be somone's house! (Normal) And you're not listening. (slouches and follows behind)

(Spike slowly enters with a very glittery gaze he has set on the interior of the shack)

Sonar: Spike, lets's get out of here while we still can.

Spike: Hold on, this place feels like something out of a fairy tail.

Sonar: (confused with eyebrow raised) What? (takes Spike by his shoulders and tries to turn him around and out the shack entrance) Okay, let's get you out of-...

(Sonar, was interupted by a small purple spine being darted in between her and Spike. The scene shifts to the entrance where Niki stands with a ticked look and hand out from her throwing the spine.

Sonar: Uh, w-we were just leaving...

Sonic: (in the distance, but gets closer as he appraches the entrance) Niki, what's going on...? (Notices Spike and Sonar and gives a big smile) Well, shave my fur off, Spike, Sonar, what are you two doing here?

Niki: (wide eyed) What?!

Sonar: This is your place?

Sonic: That it is. (walks inside)

(Sonar lets go of Spike as the Hedgehog and Porcupine walk directly in front of each other and check each other out. They both admire the bandanas, and the sports wear)

Spike: (eyes shinning) Did you base your outfit off of mine?

Sonic: (nervous and hand behind neck) Actually not really. I just thought of changing my look.

Spike: (cutesy fists under chin and whispers) You're amazing!

Sonic: (stands proud) Anything for a fellow admirer.

Niki: (still trying to click things) So they see you as a role model? (Slightly snaps) Who are these people?!

Sonic: (nervous) Right...Niki, meet Sonar and Spike. Sonar, Spike, meet Niki, my little sister.

Sonar: (eyes glistening) You have a sister?!

Spike: (to Niki) You must be exactly like your brother!

Niki: (ticked) Not in the slightest. I don't need a constant ego boost. (Looks at Sonic) Nor do I lack maturity for the age that they are supposed to be!

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