Battle Finale Part 3

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(Continuing from before)

(Once the conversation ended, Shadow teleports away. Infinite hears the teleportation and brings it up to Mephiles)

Infinite: (looks back with head stilled) Were you aware that you had a spy?

Mephiles: (with a large grin) What, Shadow? Let them retain this knowledge. Let's see how far it gets them.

(As Niki gets louder the one time she blinks her eyes turn pure white)

Niki: (angered) Why do you even let this happen? Do you really think that this plan of yours is even gonna work?!

(A small shock breaks her anger to being wide eyed and her eyes turn back to normal)

Mephiles: (chuckles) I'd say the plan couldn't go any better.

Niki: (eerie) That's wasn't you was it?

Mephiles: (checks nails and looks back at Niki) That it wasn't, dear. (Towards Infinite) And now to just play, 'keep away'. They know our current location, so why not let them tag a little, first. (To Niki) You're emotions are gonna get the best of you now; frustration, anger, sense of hopelessness. All of his plus, the guard of the chaos emeralds is gonna help get the response we need. However, that wasn't quite the exact response I'm looking for. In meantime though, it will happen.

Niki: (crosses arms and grumbly) You wanted me to flake out...

Mephiles: Indeed. And now to wait for your saviors to try and save you.

(About 20 minutes pass by as a conversation is mid way back at the workshop)

Sonic: (crosses arms and eye brow raised) So remind me what their plan is?

Shadow: You don't listen to anything, do you?

Silver: Wait! Hold on. Didn't you say that you knew where they were?

Shadow: At least someone gets the gist.

Sonic: (eyes shinning) So we can finally get Niki back?

Silver: Hold on, Sonic. Shadow said that they are trying to achieve some other form that Niki has. Mephiles can already mind control Niki in this Dark Super form. Think of what we could actually be in danger of.

Sonic: Then we figure out a plan, and act fast so they don't have time to react.

Shadow: (To Silver) For once I kinda agree with him. If we have any chance of getting Niki back, we have to strike first and as soon as possible.

Silver: (hands on hips) Alright. Then everyone who's here, saddle up. (Raises a fist) We've got a fight ahead of us.

(A group of "Yeah's" are heard in the workshop)

(About an hour later back in the forest)

(Most of the group from the workshop is keeping tabs through hiding behind thick trees)

(Niki, on her knees, senses that her group is near and looks behind her. Mephiles catches the glint and looks to Infinite and does a small whistle for his attention. Infinite attempts to walk up to Niki and the second before Infinite touches Niki, both Infinite and Mephiles are greeted with a strike from Silver)

(Sonic comes rushing in behind him, targeting Infinite. Infinite quickly dodges by teleporting)

Sonic: You keep those grubby hands off of her!

Niki: (stands up and happily) Sonic?!

Mephiles: (to Infinite) I have a feeling that we have more around here. Keep him and the others guarded while I deal with (looks at Silver) this one. (Readies hands in battle and to Silver) Been a long time since we've have a proper battle.

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