Chapter 1: justice for Jack

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Callie's POV
Today was the big day, the justice for Jack festival. The family and I woke up at 6 AM and began our day. I had a weird feeling all day like something was going to happen but I shook it away, it was most likely just nerves. After weeks of hard work Jack was finally going to have justice, I needed this bill to pass. I was sitting in the living room by myself stuck in thought when Mariana came downstairs. She looked around but didn't see me. She reached for the basket on the shelf in the kitchen where medicines were kept and she picked up Jesus's bottle of medication and was looking at it. Was she stealing his pills again? I thought we moved past this. I stood up and walked over to her when she quickly swallowed the pills. "Mariana what the hell are you doing?'' I asked her. She looked at me and started crying. "I don't know, I just have had so much anxiety recently and just needed to calm down but also I haven't been sleeping so I needed to stay awake. Don't tell moms", she said very seriously. Lena walked into the kitchen as Mariana and I were staring at each other. She could tell something was wrong. I stormed away before she could ask anything and I went to help AJ and Mike pack the car as they had just arrived. I walked over to AJ giving him a kiss and a hug. This terrible feeling still would not go away. He asked if I was okay but I just ignored it saying I was tired.

Mariana's POV
As mama was talking to me I was completely ignoring her, I was going to get caught. Callie saw me take the pills and swallow them. She has never ratted on me before but this is different. If she tells on me, I am screwed. I felt the pills starting to take effect but I ignored it because it was time to get in the car and go to the festival. My head was killing me but I ignored it. We arrived at the festival and Callie would not talk to me, everytime I tried she just would give me dirty looks. Great, I thought.

Lena's POV
We had been at the festival for a few hours and got dozens of signatures but something felt weird. Callie and Mariana were clearly mad at each other about something but neither would tell me what was wrong. Callie had seemed off the entirety of the day but as usual would just respond with the fact that she was tired. She was glued to AJ for the day and was not really speaking to anyone, Jude included, which meant something was really wrong. AJ left to go to the bathroom and I seized the opportunity to go and talk to Callie. "Hey honey are you okay? You seem off today". She smiled at me and said she was fine, just annoyed with Mariana. I asked her why and she looked at me with a scared look. What was she about to say? "Mariana is taking Jesus's pills again". She said, I was appalled, what did she mean she was on pills? "I'll take care of it baby don't worry", I said, trying to make her feel better. She gave me a smile and to my surprise hugged me. Something more than this had to be going on. I stayed with her until AJ returned and told her we would meet her down the street where Brandon and his band were playing. I had a weird feeling but I shook it off.

Mariana's POV
I was walking with Jesus and Emma to the place where Brandon and his band were going to play when I saw AJ and Callie. I could tell Callie had been crying but I didn't think she would want to see me right now so I stayed away. During the performance I had to use the bathroom and decided to go by myself. Normally I would ask Emma or Callie but I didn't want to bother them. When I was walking to the bathroom I saw Nick. Was it my imagination or was he actually here? He began following me and I started running. I called Jesus but he didn't answer. I left him a voicemail saying Nick was here and my next best bet was to call Callie. Thankfully, she answered. "Callie I am by the bathrooms Nick is here" I said and hung up. I should have stayed on the phone but I hung up. I needed to run. I reached the bridge and turned back, Nick wasn't there. Then it all set in. It was my imagination, Nick was never here. I reached into my pocket to call Callie but then I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder. "Callie thank-" I said but I turned around and to my horror it was Nick. "Jesus called me, are you okay? Let's get into my car and talk". He said. "No, get away from me, you scared me you made me afraid in my own bedroom" I screamed. He grabbed onto me and my world started to spin. I heard tires screech and when I looked up I saw Callie and AJ running towards us. "Get your fucking hands off my sister" I heard Callie scream. She was running full speed ahead to us and immediately pushed Nick off of me. He stumbled backwards and then punched her twice in the head. She fell backwards slamming her head off the ground and she was laying on the ground unconscious. Nick sat on the ground rocking back and forth when I heard someone else scream. "Hey what is going on? Oh my God Callie"! Mama, it was Lena.

Lena's POV
I heard my phone ringing and it was Callie. For some reason I had a terrible feeling. I stepped aside from Stef and the rest of the kids and answered. "Mama Nick is here and is with Mariana. She is under the bridge AJ and I are going there now". My heart stopped. Luckily I was right next to the bridge and started running. I saw Nick holding onto Mariana and then saw Callie and AJ running towards them. "Hey get your fucking hands off my sister" I heard Callie scream. She ran right up to Nick and pushed him off of Mariana. Nick then punched her twice and she slammed onto the ground hitting her head. I ran as fast as I could to them and AJ and Mariana were holding her hands while Nick was sitting on the ground with his hands on his head rocking back and forth. I took AJ's spot and instructed him to call him an ambulance. "Mama is here baby, come on and wake up for me". I begged. I just needed to see her eyes open. As AJ was calling an ambulance Mariana was sitting on the ground next to us with her eyes looking glossy. She began to get sick and then I thought about what Callie said earlier. Mariana did take Jesus's pills and was high. As the ambulance arrived Callie's eyes started to open and she began talking. She was loaded into the ambulance and I told AJ to take Mariana to the hospital and call Stef. I got into the ambulance and Callie started complaining. "Mama I am fine, is this really necessary". I laughed at her but I was still nervous. She was unconscious for a minute and suffered two hard hits to the head. "You will be okay Callie, we just have to get you checked out". I said. She sighed heavily and her eyes started to slowly close. Next thing I knew she was having a full blown seizure and I didn't know what to do. The paramedics were caring for her but I was scared shitless. Was my daughter going to die? We pulled into the ambulance bay and she was still seizing. She got rolled into the hospital and the nurses stopped me saying "ma'am you are not allowed back here you can wait in the waiting room". "This is my daughter I am going back there" I shouted as I pushed my way through. The doctors began pumping her with medications and she was still having a seizure. The heart monitor started going crazy and then it stopped. "Get her out of here" a doctor yelled. I was shoved out of the room and had to watch from the window of the room. The doctors were doing CPR on my daughter. Was she going to die? Were they going to get her back? I needed Stef.

A/N: Okay so a cliffhanger, is Callie going to make it this time? Is she going to wake up and be okay? Is Mariana going to be okay? Let me know what you guys want to see! Thank you for reading the new story, I promise it will be a lot better

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