Chapter 14: Improvements

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Lena's POV

It has been 2 weeks since Callie was moved to the rehab center and even though she is making improvements in her ability to move her body her vision and speech is still suffering. Stef and I decided it would be best for me to continue to take the leave of absence and care for Callie since she will hopefully be coming home soon. Today was Friday and that meant I got to spend the day with Callie at the rehab center. I dropped the kids off at school and went to the rehab center. I pulled into the parking lot and had a weird feeling but I ignored it. I knew the kids were safe. Callie had already started PT and was working on walking up the steps. Each movement was slow and carefully calculated. Her vision was still a major issue. The doctor informed me that her vision was affecting the balance problems. Callie was struggling today in PT and it hurt my heart. Each step she went up she would either fall forwards or backwards and have to be caught by one of the therapists. Her legs started to shake and the physical therapist decided to have her sit down and work on flashcards. "Ok Cal what does this say", Allie asked. Callie looked at the card and I saw frustration flash across her face. "I'm done" Callie quickly said. "It's okay Cal you got this" I tried. "Shut the hell up" She yelled at me. Everyone looked over at us and I was embarrassed to say the least. Allie decided it was best for her to get some rest and brought her back to her room. She was given lunch but she was so exhausted she was struggling to feed herself. She dropped her spoon and tears formed in her eyes. "m-Mama h-help" she cried out. She never asked for help before so I knew she was struggling. I approached her side sitting on her bed and picked up the spoon feeding her like she was a new born baby. She finished eating and laid there looking at the ceiling. "W-why did t-this happen? W-why am I b-b-broken" she said while now sobbing. "Oh baby, you are not broken. I know how hard this must be for you but you are going to get better". I said while hugging her. "I-I want to c-come home" She said. She was gripping my shirt and I couldn't help but let tears escape my eyes. I have never seen this girl so broken, even when I met her outside the juvenile detention center. "You will be coming home soon baby, just a couple more days. I promise". She nodded her head but continued crying into my arms. All I wanted was to trade places with her. This poor kid has been through so much and now this. Why couldn't she just catch a break. The doctor came in and had a smile on his face. "Well guys I have great news. Callie you have done great in rehab and you are cleared to go home on Monday. Congratulations guys". Callie sat up and I had to stabilize her so she wouldn't fall over with the biggest smile on her face. This was the first time I actually saw her really smile after the accident. She hugged me and then decided she needed to sleep. I said goodbye to Callie and walked back to the car. That terrible feeling came back.

Mariana's POV

Nick continued calling me throughout the morning and I decided to visit him. Maybe if I talk to him he will leave me alone. I walked to the psych hospital he was at and walked to the gate. We sat and talked for a few minutes and he said he was sorry but I didn't forgive him. He destroyed the families life. He started asking to visit Callie and I was immediately creeped out. He claimed it was to apologize and make amends but I was still scared. Why would he want to visit Callie? I immediately stood up to leave and saw a car parking near us. Was it his dad, who was it? Then I realized. It was Lena's car. I am screwed. She quickly got out of the car grabbing me by the wrist and forcing me into the car. "Mariana, what the fuck is wrong with you? First everything with Ana, then the pills, all the lies, then Callie, and now you are seeing Nick? What is going on with you what are you thinking? You are supposed to be earning back mom and I trust and this is how you think you are going to do it"? Mama has never sworn at me and I was scared. I started crying and that made her even more mad. "Don't try and get out of this by crying Mariana. If you keep up this behavior I will send you to an inpatient program and I am not kidding. I am so done with you and your behaviors Mariana". She put the car in drive and drove home. There was complete silence, not even the radio was on. We pulled into the driveway and I ran inside followed by Lena. Brandon, Jesus, and Jude were all standing by the door awaiting our arrival. "How could you tell on me Jesus, I trusted you"! He looked at me and I could tell he was angry. "We all told. You could have been hurt, did you not see what he did to Callie? We already have to deal with Callie we can't deal with you too" Brandon shouted. He threw his backpack down and stormed off followed by Jesus and Jude. The door opened and it was Stef. "What is going on" Stef asked. Lena began telling her what happened but I completely zoned out. "Mariana I can't handle this anymore. You have to change or things are going to change around here". She said with a straight face. What did that mean? Was she going to kick me out? I ran upstairs to my room slamming the door and laid on Callie's bed. I felt awful all of this had happened. I couldn't even put into words how guilty I felt. I was embarrassed and mortified with myself. What have I done to this family?

Callie's POV

Allie walked into my room and I looked around for my moms but I couldn't find them, did they leave me? "Today is the day Callie, you are going home! Your mom's are getting everything ready around the house and then they will be here to bring you home. Let's get you up, showered and dressed for the day. I sat up closing my eyes due to feeling dizzy. Once the feeling went away I was able to walk to the shower with Allie's help. I still needed help showering which was embarrassing. I didn't want my moms to have to help me shower. Once I was done I walked back to my room sitting on the bed. Stef and Lena walked in and said they were ready to bring me home. I stood up and got wheeled to the car since it was such a far walk. I stood up holding onto Lena's hand and sat in the car. I tried to buckle the seatbelt but it wasn't working. Lena must have sensed my frustration because she came over and buckled it for me. "Remember Cal count to 10. It's going to take time for you to be able to do all this stuff". I took a deep breath and watched them get in the car and we began driving home. Nothing made sense. I had this feeling of anger at Mariana and Stef but I didn't know why. I remember being loaded into the ambulance and Lena being there but Stef wasn't there. Mariana was but why was she there? I started having short memories of that day. I remembered Mariana and I fought in the morning but I couldn't remember why. I was pulled out of my thoughts when we pulled into the driveway and Lena opened my door to tell me it was time to go inside. I did not want to do this. Lena unbuckled my seatbelt and helped me stand to get out of the car. Even though I could stand by myself I needed support to not fall. Stef and Lena stood on each side of me and we walked to the stairs. I was able to place my foot on the first step followed by the next 3 steps. When we reached the step into the house I felt my legs begin to shake but I ignored it, I just wanted to be in my bed and asleep. We finally walked into the house and I saw my bed was in the dining room. Lena and Stef helped me walk there and I collapsed onto the bed completely exhausted. Stef asked me to take off my shoes like I practiced in PT. I took a deep breath and sighed. She looked at me almost begging me to do it. I lifted my right foot and began attempting to untie the shoe. It was a challenge to say the least. I plopped my shoe on the ground and I knew I wasn't going to be able to the do the left. I was exhausted. "Come on Cal just one more shoe". I looked at Stef and focused the best I could. "N-no stop I-it. I-I can't". She looked at me with a sympathetic look and told me to try again. Why was she being like this, did she not understand I couldn't do it. I leaned down to untie the left shoe and started falling forwards. Jesus and Lena caught me and brought me back up into a sitting position. Lena untied my shoe and took it off for me. "Really Stef? The doctors told us not to push her, especially when she is tired". Stef got up and walked away. Was she angry at me? Lena helped me get settled into bed and I was finally able to lay down. Lena went to walk away when I grabbed her wrist. "M-mom is m-mad at me. w-why. I'm try-trying". I saw Lena's face soften and she began speaking. "Oh my baby she is not mad at you. This is a big adjustment and we are trying to find the best way to help you. No one is mad at you honey I promise. Now get some rest". I could have sworn I saw her wipe a tear away but my whole world was spinning. I closed my eyes and let the sleep I needed take over.

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