Chapter 8: Things will never be the same

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Mariana's POV

Callie was taking a nap on the couch and I was laying on my bed. I didn't want to be around anyone. We still had no doors to the bedrooms after mama demanded we take them off and I just wanted to be alone. AJ walked into my room and sat down on the floor next to my bed, great he was going to yell at me. "I am not here to yell at you but Mariana how could you do something so stupid? Callie told me you were high that day. I know what happened with Nick has scared you but to get high and imagine him being there? And then to call Callie and have her get hurt? She is never going to be the same person she was before. She loves you so much and all she was trying to do was protect you and you couldn't even do that for her? I know you feel bad for what happened but your emotions don't fix anything. You never should have Callie that day". He had tears in his eyes and stood up storming out. I began shaking and sobbing. I felt like I was having a panic attack. The room started to spin, I couldn't breath, every noise overwhelmed me, I was going to pass out. Someone ran into my room and started telling me to calm down. Who was it? "Mariana listen to me, take a deep breath", Stef it was Stef. I tried taking deep breaths but it was still hard to breath. She had me do an exercise and I was able to calm down. I collapsed onto the floor and Stef engulfed me in a hug. "I am so sorry. I just want to die". 

Stef's POV

I walked upstairs to take a breather myself when I heard AJ and Mariana talking. "You never should have called Callie that day". I heard AJ say. Why would he say that? Mariana was terrified, of course she called Callie when Jesus didn't answer. Once AJ left I heard Mariana begin to sob and I ran inside the room. Even though I was angry at her, my baby needed me. She was having a panic attack and broke down crying. Once I got her to calm down we sat on the floor hugging and she said something that broke me. "I am so sorry, I just want to die". I began crying myself and just held onto her comforting my daughter. The truth was, I was overwhelmed myself. I now had a child with special needs and another one who was suicidal. What was going on in this house?

Callie's POV

I woke up on the couch to someone holding my hand. My vision was still blurry but once I was able to focus I realized it was AJ. I gave his hand a squeeze with the little bit of strength I had left. He kissed my forehead telling me he loved me but my head was pounding. "I-I love y-you too". He looked at me concerned and I gave him a half smile. Something was wrong but I didn't want to tell him that. I heard someone coming down the stairs but everything was spinning. Once they got closer to me I saw it was Mariana and Stef. "M-mom I" I started but Stef interrupted me. "It's ok Cal, Mariana wants to tell you something". She didn't understand, something was wrong. My body felt like it was on fire but I couldn't find the words. "W-wrong No" I tried. Why was my speech so bad right now? "AJ, m-m" I couldn't get out what I was trying to say. I needed mama she always understood what I was trying to say. Mariana sat down next to me and held my hand. "Callie I am so sorry I called you that day. I am sorry for everything. If I could trade places with you I would. I love you so much and I am so sorry. Please tell me you forgive me". I took a long time to understand what she was saying and I did forgive her but I was angry "I s-sick. M" I kept trying but my brain wouldn't let me say what I wanted to. "I know you are and I want to help you get better. I just need you to know how sorry I am and how much I love you". I squeezed AJ's hand maybe then he would understand something was wrong since no one was else was. "Cal you alright" he asked. "N-no I- I mama" I said while I felt my body starting to slightly shake. My body was on fire and then everything went black. Last thing I heard was Mariana screaming for mama. 

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