Chapter 11: we will miss you

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Stef's POV

Lena came back into the hospital room in tears and I wondered why she was there. I stood up immediately hugging her and she explained what happened with Mariana. I was devastated but not as devastated as Lena. She blamed herself and I couldn't help but feel guilty. I shared with Lena that I had the same emotions as her and I recommended we go to a family therapy session. I was never a fan of therapy but this family needed it, and we needed it fast. I sat with Mariana for an hour until she was clear to go home. I drove her home and we sat in silence until we arrived in the driveway. "Mariana we have to get you back in therapy. I know you are upset about Callie we all are but you can't keep doing this, you can't keep making the same mistakes over and over. Things are going to get better. I know how scary it is with Callie in and out of the hospital but mama and I can not handle anymore trouble. Just because we are angry doesn't mean we don't love you. I love you so much and I can't lose you too". She began crying and grabbed onto my hand. "Can I please go and see Callie. I need to, it will make me feel better". I debated it for a minute and decided to let her see Callie. She needed something to make her feel better. I turned around and headed back for the hospital. We walked into the hospital getting our visitor passes and went back to Callie's room. Mariana walked in looking at Lena and Lena gave her a small smile. She sat on Callie's bed hugging her and began crying. "Cal I am really sorry I got you into this position. I don't know if it means anything but I promise to never take another pill ever again. I promise to get help and never hurt anyone again. I just need you to wake up and be okay". She looked up at Callie but there was no change. She laid there attached to a ventilator and her eyes closed. Mariana began sobbing and had a death grip on Callie. We allowed her to lay there for another 30 minutes before I decided to bring her home. I believe what she said to Callie but I didn't know if she was going to be able to keep her promise. Both my babies were broken. I got Mariana off of Callie's bed and we walked back to the car holding hands. She fell asleep as soon as she got in the car and I drove home to the sound of the radio. Why was this happening again?

Lena's POV

I stayed the night with Callie and there was change. Knowing that she is going to wake up and be even worse than she was before broke my heart. I couldn't imagine how she would feel. I just wanted my baby back
Mariana's POV
It has been 10 days since I last cut but also 10 days Callie has been in the hospital. Stef was home and making breakfast while Lena stayed at the hospital. We sat around the table eating when moms phone began to ring. She picked it up immediately asking what was wrong. She dropped the phone and began sobbing. "Mom what's wrong" Jesus asked, obviously concerned. Stef stood up and said she had to tell us something. Did Callie die? What happened? "Ok listen up babies. The swelling in Callie's brain is not going down. The doctor suggests we take her off the ventilator now so she doesn't suffer anymore. I'm so sorry my babies". My heart stopped. Callie couldn't die. She couldn't. What would I do without her? "Well she will be fine without the ventilator right? Jude asked. "No baby. Callie is going to be leaving us soon" Stef said with a tear escaping her eye that she quickly wiped away. We sat in silence hugging one another. This day couldn't get any worse.
Jude's POV
Hearing Stef tell me Callie was dying caused a horrible feeling of anxiety in my chest. She is the only one who has protected me these past few hours. I knew I was safe in the Adams Foster household but I still was panicking. After sitting in silence for an hour we got up and piled into the car. We arrived at the hospital, got our visitor passes and walked to Callie's room. Time seemed to move slow. The doctors said a bunch of words and then he began taking the ventilator off. I ran to Callie's side grabbing her hand and telling her one last thing. "Callie it's okay. I'm safe now. Tell mom I said hello and I love her. Goodbye Cal". I heard everyone sniffling but I didn't care. I was losing the person that meant the most to me. The ventilator was out and the rhythmic movement of her chest moving up and down stopped, she was gone.
A/N: so is Callie gone or not? Was this the last the family was going to see if her? Let me know what you want to see plz!

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