Chapter 13: Blame

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Mariana's POV

We all arrived home and everyone went to their rooms. We finally had our doors back on and I grabbed a glass of water heading to my bed. I didn't want to leave Callie's side, she needed to know how sorry I was this happened again. I laid on Callie's bed holding her pillow close. I began to shut my eyes when I heard my phone ring. What if it was Stef or Lena calling to tell me something was wrong with Callie. I immediately jumped up and saw it said unknown number. I answered anyway. "Mariana it's me Nick. They say I am getting out of the hospital soon and I would love to see you". My heart stopped. How did Nick have access to a phone? I quickly hung up and sat in silence. He almost killed Callie what if he wanted to kill me? I threw my phone across the room and Jesus came running in. "Mariana are you okay? What's wrong"? I began crying and Jesus came next to me sitting on Callie's bed. "That was Nick, he is getting out of the hospital soon". I finally had the courage to say it. Jesus was silent for a minute and then began his lecture. "You can not see him Mariana and you can not answer his calls or texts. Look what he did to Callie, what if that happens to you? You have to tell moms". "No Jesus! I am not telling moms and neither are you. They have enough on their plate right now with Callie, let's just wait and see what happens". He looked disappointed in me and stood up slamming the door on the way out. I was left by myself to sit crying on Callie's bed. Why was this happening to me? I heard Jesus and Jude talking and then Jude stormed into my room followed by Brandon. This was too much to handle right now. "Are you serious Mariana? You are talking to Nick again? You know he almost killed Callie and now she is back in the hospital again for who knows how long? Why are you so selfish Mariana"? Jude screamed out at me. Brandon gave me a sympathetic look but I could tell he was just as angry. Before I could even say anything Jude walked out of my room once again slamming the door. "You know Mariana I can't blame them. You have to get your shit together and stop making all these decisions. You need to tell moms once they get home or I will". I wanted to fight him on it but I just didn't have the energy. I needed to go back to the hospital tomorrow and talk to Callie. 

Callie's POV

I woke up to dim lights and saw two people but it took me another minute to focus on them. I saw brown curly hair and blonde short hair. I know these people but who are they? Why did it always take me a minute to think of who they were. Stef and Lena, it was my moms. Then I remembered my bio mom was dead. Where was Jude? I needed to find him. It took me a minute to pull the blankets off of me and I tried to sit up but I couldn't I moved to the right a little and my body was on fire. I needed help and I needed it now. "Mm-mama" I cried out. Someone stood up and helped me move over laying me back down in the bed. I saw the curly brown hair again and I knew it was Lena. She had tears in her eyes and told me to relax but I couldn't. I needed to find Jude. "J-jude" I got out. "He will be back tomorrow honey it's okay. He is safe in the house with the siblings and Mike, it's okay get some rest". I didn't want rest I wanted to see Jude. I saw a nurse come in and she put something into the IV and I felt my eyes get heavy. Not again. I wanted to get out of this constant darkness, not go back to it every 30 minutes. 

Stef's POV

Once Callie was asleep I decided to go home. The other kids needed me. Brandon wasn't going to college anymore, Jude was devastated about his sister, Mariana was still a mess, and Jesus blamed himself for this entire situation. What was happening to my beautiful family. I just want to go back to that day and never go to the festival. If we were never there then none of this would have happened. By the time I got home it was midnight and all the kids were asleep. I started with Brandon's room and he was sound asleep. I then went to Jude and Jesus's room and saw them asleep as well. Finally I reached Mariana's room and she was laying on Callie's bed crying. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to her grabbing her hand. "Baby listen to me. We do not blame you for what happened with Callie. I know you are scared we all are but she will get better. Just because there was a major setback doesn't mean she won't be okay. It is going to be a long journey but she will be okay. I promise". She nodded and placed her head in my lap. We sat in silence until she fell asleep and I slowly got up tucking her into Callie's bed, I know how awful she felt. I just wanted all my kids back in their beds and safe. I walked back to my room and got into the shower. The warm water felt nice and I felt myself crying. This was getting to be too much to handle. I got out of the shower and walked over to my bed. I was folding the laundry when I found Callie's justice for Jack shirt. I held it in my hands and broke down. I couldn't believe this is what my daughters life was going to be from now on. How could I let this happen. How could all my kids have so many secrets and I wasn't aware of any of them. If I knew about the pills then Callie wouldn't be in the hospital right now. If I knew about the SAT fiasco with Brandon then we would still be accepted into Julliard. If I knew Jude was smoking pot I would have never let him see Noah. The only one who wasn't in trouble right now was Jesus but he was broken. Why did any of this have to happen? 

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