Chapter 16: The discussion

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Callie's POV

I woke up today and was not feeling well. My head was hurting along with the rest of my body. I knew this was the new normal but it was always hard when I felt like this. I looked around and no one was there but I really had to use the bathroom. Against my better judgment I sat up myself and sat there steadying myself. I pushed myself off the bed and stood up. I was immediately dizzy but I ignored it. I needed to use the bathroom. I was able to walk a few steps and felt my legs beginning to shake. I needed someone's help and I needed it now. Everyone else was upstairs and still asleep. Taking a deep breath I decided to continue walking to the bathroom which took forever. I looked back and saw I had only made it 10 steps from the couch. This was awful, I just wanted to be normal again. My vision was beginning to get blurry and I felt myself start to sweat. I heard someone walking down the stairs but continued to walk to the bathroom anyway. I tripped over something and went smashing down to the floor on my hands and knees. Great, I thought. "MAMA" someone yelled at. I went to lay on my back but I couldn't roll over from my stomach. This was horrifying. 

Lena's POV

As Stef and I were laying in bed talking we heard Mariana scream. We immediately jumped out of the bed and ran to where the screams were coming from. Mariana was standing next to Callie and Callie was laying face down. 'What the hell happened" Stef yelled. "I don't know she was up and walking and when I came down here she fell, I am so sorry" Mariana said with tears in her eyes. I bent down next to Callie and saw she had peed on herself. "I-I just h-had t-to go t-to the bathroom and n-no one w-was here". She said clearly embarrassed. I rolled her onto her back and got her into a sitting position. "I am so sorry honey, don't worry about it we will get you cleaned up and in some new fresh clothes". She nodded but hung her head in disgust. Stef and I helped her stand leading her to the bathroom and helped her get undressed and into the shower. She refuse to let us watch her shower and only needed help with opening shampoo and soap bottles. She finished in the shower and we stood her up and helped her get dressed. Her face was red and she had tears in her eyes but I knew it was best to ignore it. I didn't want her to be anymore upset then she already was. She walked back to the couch with our help and pulled the blanket on top of her. "Mama c-can AJ come" she asked with pleading eyes. "Of course, let me call him". I saw her smile but it quickly disappeared. It was crazy how one day could be so good and the next horrible. AJ showed up 30 minutes later with Mike and he ran right over to the couch hugging Callie. I was happy they had a good relationship. Maybe he could bring her out of her depression.


Mike and I were eating breakfast when he got a call from Lena and I had a weird feeling. Was something wrong with Callie? "Yeah sounds good we will be there soon". Was she in the hospital again? What happened? "Alright AJ Callie is having a rough day and would like to see you. Get dressed and we will head over there". I quickly stood up showering and putting on fresh clothes. We drove to Callie's house and Stef let us in. I said hello to everyone and went over to Callie on the couch. I hugged her and sat next to her holding her hand. I knew she wasn't feeling well today but maybe I could change that. I showed her some drawings I made for her and read her some get well cards. She snuggled into my chest and ended up taking a nap. I felt a tear fall from my eye and I looked down at the girl I loved so much, so broken. I hated seeing her like this. Callie was always the strongest person I knew and now she could barely walk herself without falling. Lena told me about her fall when she was asleep and I pulled her closer giving her a kiss. This was so much to handle but I needed to stay by her side. She needed me. 

Mariana' POV

It was 4:30 and Stef came knocking on my door. "Hey love Callie just woke up and before dinner I want you two to have a discussion with Lena and I". Great, I thought. I stood up against my better judgment and walked downstairs. Callie was sitting on the couch next to AJ and she looked exhausted. I could tell she didn't feel good today. I sat on the floor across from Callie and Lena came over and joined us. "So Cal, mom and I want you and Mariana to talk about what happened that day. I know you are having some problems with your emotions and we want you to express them in positive ways so why don't we let Mariana say what she wants to"? I had no idea what to say, I didn't want to be ambushed. Callie held onto AJ's hand tighter and looked over to me. "Callie you know how sorry I am. I wish I never called you that day and I am so sorry I did. I haven't taken anymore pills and I want you to know how much I love you". I spoke slowly so she could understand and she just nodded. "I f-forgive you" she said. I smiled and ran over to hug her. She was getting better. She gave me a small hug back and I didn't know if it was because she didn't actually forgive me or if she was just tired. Maybe things were going to get better from now on. 

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