Chapter 10: Why is this happening?

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Lena's POV

"We have the test results". My heart stopped. Was Callie going to be okay? Was she going to be different than she was before? I sat on the chair and took a deep breath holding Stef's hand. I couldn't take anymore bad news. As the doctor was about to begin Robert turned the corner and walked over to us. He took a deep breath taking the extra seat and I saw tears in his eyes. "The seizure Callie had caused her brain to swell and caused damaged to multiple areas. She is going to have trouble walking and maintaining her balance. Her vision was affected and her speech will be not where it was before. This is devastating to you guys and I know how happy she was to go home but she is not going to be able to return home for a while. She is going to have  to stay in the hospital for a few more days and then will be sent to intensive inpatient rehab. She is going to need round the clock care. I am really sorry". I gripped Stef's hand even harder and felt myself crying. Why couldn't my daughter catch a break? Why is this happening? We walked into Callie's room and saw her laying in bed sound asleep. I ran over to her grabbing her hand and it felt limp. I squeezed her hand but there was nothing. I couldn't leave her side. What if she never wakes up again? Robert sat on the opposite side of her and began saying something but I was completely zoned out. I sat there crying knowing there was nothing I could do to fix this. I thought back to that day and became infuriated. When Stef was shot it had to do with Mariana and pills. Now Callie is in the hospital again and it is all due to Mariana being high on pills. I love Mariana, she is my daughter but right now, I couldn't even think about seeing her. Robert had left and then it was just me, Stef, and Callie. I felt the need to say something. "Hey Cal it's mama. Mom is here too and so was your dad. You need to wake up for us baby and be okay. The doctor said a lot of stuff but I don't believe it. You are going to be okay, all you need to do is wake up for us". Nothing. She didn't wake up and didn't move. I couldn't handle this. I needed to talk to Mariana. I let Stef stay at the hospital and I headed home. I got into the car and absolutely lost it. I have never been this angry in my life. I pulled into the driveway and walked inside to see the four other kids sitting on the couch watching a movie. "Everyone beside Mariana get the hell out. Go upstairs". The kids quickly jumped up and Mariana looked at me horrified. 

Mariana's POV

"Everyone beside Mariana get the hell out. Go upstairs". I looked at mama and I was terrified. Was she going to kick me out? Was she going to hit me? What was going to happen? "I want you to listen to me and listen carefully. Callie is in the hospital once again and you know she would never be in the hospital if you never took those pills. What the hell is wrong with you Mariana? I am not an idiot and I know you are still taking his pills. Do you want someone else to get hurt? Or even worse die? Callie is not out of the woods yet. Do you realize what this has to done to me? I am completely destroyed. I can't even look at you right now? I love you to death Mariana but right now I can't feel love, I feel hatred in my heart. Did you learn nothing from when mom got shot? What is it going to take for you to stop making the same mistakes over and over? Will you ever learn"? She stopped for a second and picked up a vase throwing it across the room. I have never seen Lena this mad and it scared the shit out of me. What was going to happen next? She hated me. She's only ever yelled at me twice and I was terrified. She fell to the ground on her knees and started crying. She was screaming "why" and why repeatedly. At this point Jude had come downstairs and the other boys quietly followed. Jude went over to Lena sitting beside her and holding her hand. Tears fell from his eyes and he looked the way he did the first night in the house. He was terrified and there was nothing I could do. "I know you're scared mama but Callie is a fighter. She will get through this, I promise", Jude said crying. Lena nodded but was still sobbing. Jude stood up and walked with Lena to the couch. "I can't lose her Jude I can't". I have never seen Lena like this and I couldn't express how I was feeling. I have destroyed this family. I ran upstairs crying and grabbed the razor. I cut as deep as I could and I started to feel dizzy. I fell to the ground and my eyes felt heavy. All I wanted was to be dead. Callie didn't deserve this but I did. I heard my door open and someone scream for mama but I couldn't tell who it was and I didn't care. I wanted to die.

Jesus's POV

Mariana ran up the stairs and I had an off feeling. When she was this upset she did stupid stuff. Like take my pills or post something on social media. I heard a bang and ran upstairs and saw her on the floor bleeding from her wrists. "MAMA" I screamed as loud as I could. Lena along with the rest of the family came running upstairs. Mama looked horrified. Brandon grabbed towels wrapping her wrists while I called 911. I held onto Mariana praying she would be okay. I couldn't lose two sisters. She was weaving in and out of conscious and all I could do was wait for the ambulance. Once they arrived they threw an oxygen mask on her and loaded her into the ambulance. Mama stopped at the back of the ambulance and took a deep breath before getting in. "Call Mike' she whispered before the doors were closed. Why was this family falling apart? Was Mariana going to die? I heard every word Lena said to Mariana and I knew how hurt both of them were. Mariana was very sensitive and this is why she did what she did. I couldn't blame Lena though, she was devastated about Callie. All I wanted was both my sisters back. I went back inside and engulfed Brandon and Jude in a hug. All I had left was my brothers. The three of us sat there crying and Mike walked in. He gave each of us a hug and all I could hope was that Mariana and Callie would be okay. The four of us sat in silence and I eventually ended up falling asleep on the couch completely exhausted. 

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