Chapter 6: I need help

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Mariana's POV

Seeing Callie in the hospital made me feel better but it also made me feel terrible. Seeing how much she is struggling and how she can not even walk without assistance broke me. If I never took those stupid pills than Callie would never be in this position. But also, if Jesus never called Nick then Callie wouldn't be in this position. Stef was at work and Lena was in the shower meaning Callie was there all alone. I know she must be scared. I stormed into Jesus's room without even knocking and he turned around in his chair asking what the hell I was doing. "You know this is your fault Callie is in the hospital. If you never called Nick then he would have never actually showed up and Callie would be fine" I screamed. "Mariana you are the one who took my pills and imagined Nick being there. I thought he was going to hurt you so I called him. If I knew Callie was going to get hurt I would have never called him but you should never have taken those pills". As I was getting ready to say something Lena walked in. "What do you mean Nick would have never actually showed up"? She asked. Shit. This was going to be bad. "Nick wasn't there. I imagined it and called Jesus leaving him a message saying Nick was here. Then I called Callie while running towards bridge and told her Nick was here. Jesus called Nick and then he showed up thinking I was hurt but wanted me to get into his car. That's when Callie and Aj found us and then you know what happened after that". I said, terrified she was going to hate me. "You were high that you hallucinated Nick being there? You do know because of everything you have done Callie is never going to be the same? She can not even walk on her own and is sitting there crying everyday because she can't express how she feels! How could you do something this stupid Mariana? You need to get some help! Callie could have died"! She stopped screaming and just looked at me. "have you not learned your lesson from when Mom was shot? You know that was also because of pills yet here we are again! What is it going to take for you to learn your lesson? What for you to be laying in the hospital bed next"?! I have never seen Lena this mad and I was terrified. She looked hurt after what she said but it was true. Stef almost died because of me and now Callie almost died because of me, and Callie isn't out of the woods yet. She still has a long road of recovery. I walked back to my room and sat on Callie's bed holding her pillow sobbing. I took away the one thing Callie had, independence. Jude came into my room sitting down beside me and grabbed my hand. "I am really really angry at you Mariana but I need you to get better. I can't lose both my sisters". He said. He stood up with tears in his eyes and walked out slamming the door. I heard him go down the stairs and I decided to follow him, I needed him to know the truth. I stopped at the top of the stairs when I heard him and Lena talking. "Is Callie ever going to get better" he asked. "She will baby, she will. It is just going to take a lot of time and right now we just have to be there for her and for the love of God no more smoking. We know first hand what can happen to those we love when drugs are involved. Do you want to come and visit Callie with me? I am sure she would be happy to see you". He said yes and they grabbed their bags to go visit her. Tears were rolling down my face and Brandon sat next to me. "Callie could have died you know. You have to stop this Mariana before someone else gets hurt. I know it sucks having moms so mad at you but they have a right to be. Jesus didn't do anything wrong. He called Nick because he was scared you were going to get hurt. I think you should make a therapy appointment". He finished what he was saying and stood up walking back to his room. I have hurt everyone in this family. How could I be so stupid? I just wanted to die. 

Lena's POV

After finishing talking with all the kids Jude and I began the drive to the hospital. It was silent until Jude spoke up. "I just want you to know how much Callie and I love you. I am really sorry about the weed and I promise to never do it again. I don't want anyone else to get hurt. Callie isn't going to die is she"? "No baby no, she isn't going to die. She' a fighter you know that".  He gave me a half smile and went back to staring out the window. We walked into the hospital and saw Callie doing PT. She was able to walk by herself but she still needed support. She still needed help sitting up but she seemed happier today. She finished PT and laid back in bed absolutely exhausted. Jude and I approached her and once she focused on us she smiled. "J-Jude you're h-here". "yeah I'm here with mom and mama are you ok"? He asked. She reached out to grab his hand and she whispered to him. "I h-hurting bad" she whispered. Stef and I looked at each other heartbroken. Jude squeezed her hand and said "I know but hey you can't give up yet. We have a family now and I'm safe. You don't have to protect me anymore, you can focus on yourself". She smiled and a tear slipped from her eye. Jude climbed onto her bed laying next to her hugging her as tight as he could without hurting her. They were inseparable. Callie had fallen asleep and Jude laid there playing on his phone. The head doctor came in and asked to speak to Stef and I. "So we have good news, there is a bed opening up tomorrow at our rehab facility and Callie is next in line. It is a great facility. You can visit from 9-5 but there is no staying overnight. All we need from you is to sign the paperwork". Stef picked up the pen but I stopped her. I didn't want my baby staying in a rehab facility all by herself at night. "Would we be able to bring her home instead"? I asked. Stef looked mad but Jude looked thrilled. "yeah mama can we? She will love being home"! "You can bring her home but she is going to need round the clock care 24/7. Do you have someone who can do that"? The doctor asked. In reality we did not but I could take a leave of absence from work. I wanted my baby back in the house where I can be with her 24/7. We continued talking with the doctor and when he left we continued our conversation. "honey we are not ready to bring her back into the house. She needs to be watched 24/7, she needs her medication at the right time and we don't have the time for that. I am not too sure about this". I didn't care what Stef said, I had already asked Monte about taking a leave of absence and she approved it. Stef agreed but against her will. I don't know why was she being like this but I didn't want to start a fight in front of Jude. I couldn't wait to tell Callie she was coming home once she was awake, she was going to be so happy. 

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