Chapter 2: Is she going to be okay?

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Lena's POV

Last thing I saw was a team of doctors doing CPR on my daughter. My heart stopped, I couldn't breath and I couldn't see. After what felt like years the head doctor came out. "I think we should sit down and talk". He wasn't going to tell me my daughter was dead, he couldn't. "Callie is alive. Her body and brain were deprived of oxygen for 10 minutes. Right now she is in a medically induced coma to allow her brain to heal and stop swelling. There is a chance when she wakes up she is going to have a traumatic brain injury. This is going to include learning how to talk and walk again. She is going to have problems with emotion and behavioral control but I want you to know we are doing everything we can for her. She is going to be moved to the ICU. Right now only parents can see her". My world stopped. I couldn't find the words to say. My daughter is alive but is never going to be the same? How could all of this happen from a simple punch to the head? Callie was wheeled by me and I grabbed onto her hand and gave her a kiss on the head. "You're a fighter baby, don't give up, mom and I are going to see you soon" I said, squeezing her hand. I needed to find Stef.

Stef's POV

While watching Brandon and the band perform I saw Lena answer her phone and then she ran away. I was going to chase her but I needed to stay with the kids. Then I realized Mariana, Callie, and AJ were not there. Something had to have happened. Less than 5 minutes later my phone started ringing and it was AJ. Before I could even say hello AJ began yelling into the phone. "Stef it's AJ we are at the hospital. Mariana is sick and Nick punched Callie in the head and she got rushed in the ambulance. She was awake and talking when they took her but we need you here". I was frozen. Why was Nick here? Why was Mariana sick? Why did Nick hit Callie? I gathered the kids including Brandon and we piled into the car. I told Mike to clean everything up and meet us there. The ride to the hospital was silent. Once we pulled into the hospital we jumped out of the car and ran inside.  I ran to the desk and said "I am here to see Mariana and Callie Adams Foster, I am there mother". The lady started typing into the computer and Mariana came running out of a hospital room crying. "Mom I am so sorry. Callie is hurt though, where is mama?" My mind was going a million miles a minute. As I was about to speak the lady at the front desk began to speak. "Mariana is clear to be discharged and Callie is in the ICU. Only parents are allowed to visit right now". I walked away to call Lena and see where she is but she wasn't answering. I sat in the waiting room with the kids and I began reading over Mariana's paperwork. "You are high on adderall? Are you kidding me"? I was so disappointed I couldn't even say anything to Mariana. "Mom". She spoke. "I don't want to hear it" I replied. "No mom, it's mama". She said. I looked up and saw Lena walking towards us. She was visibly shaking and you could tell she has been crying. I stood up and rushed over to her giving her a hug. "Love what's wrong? What is wrong with Callie"? I asked. "Let's talk in private". I knew something was wrong. She would never hide something from the kids. We reached the corner of the waiting room and she turned her back to the kids and began sobbing. "Nick was at the festival and following Mariana. Mariana called Callie and her and AJ ran over to where Nick and Mariana were and Nick punched Callie in the head. She passed out and then  had a seizure in the ambulance and when we got to the hospital she stopped breathing. She is alive but in a coma. She has been diagnosed with a TBI and is going to have to relearn how to walk and talk and is going to have behavioral issues. I am so scared Stef, what if we lose her"? Why would Nick be at the festival? He is on house arrest, how would he even get here? Then I remembered Mariana was high, did she call him? What happened? Lena and I walked back to the kids hand in hand and Mike arrived at the same time. We updated him on what happened and told him to take everyone home since she was not allowed visitors. "Mom can I see her please" Mariana asked. I don't want to blame anyone but this is Mariana's fault. "No, now go home" I replied coldly. "She is not allowed visitors right now honey, maybe tomorrow" Lena said gently. I felt bad I was rude to her but she is standing in front of me high when her sister is in the ICU fighting for her life. We said goodbye to the kids and promised we would keep them up to date.

Lena's POV

Once the kids left I felt relieved. Stef and I walked to the ICU together and before we entered the room I stopped to tell her something. "Stef, Mariana has been taking Jesus's pills again. She was high when all this happened. I am sorry I didn't tell you honey, I just found out this morning. Stef sighed but I chose to ignore it. I couldn't handle any more stress. I squeezed Stefs hand before walking in to Callie's room. She had a tube down her throat but she looked peaceful. You would never be able to tell she was fighting for her life. I grabbed her hand and sat in the chair across from the bed. "It's mama Callie, I want you to know that mom and I are here. All the kids are safe and at home. It's time to come back to us now honey. I love so much. Don't you give in on me". Tears were rolling down my face and Stef was rubbing my back but right now all I needed was my baby. I put both my hands around Callie's hand and started sobbing. I couldn't lose my baby like this. I just want my sweet girl back.
Callie"s POV
"It's mama Callie, I want you to know that mom and I are here. All the kids are safe and at home. It's time to come back to us now honey. I love so much. Don't you give in on me". I heard someone saying this but I couldn't open my eyes. I kept trying but they just wouldn't open. Why is everyone at home? Where am I? Why does my head hurt so bad? I felt someone holding my hand but when I tried to squeeze back I couldn't. I saw light for a second and it instantly went back to black. Why was I stuck like this?

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