Chapter 4: The healing process

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Lena's POV

Yet another day passed and Stef and I were still taking turns staying at the hospital. Robert showed up today and it was a rough day. Callie was only sleeping for 30 minutes at a time and you could tell she was frustrated. She would try and talk but it would be a jumble of sounds. Robert and I sat in silence and I found myself praying. I was never a believer in Jesus but I needed something to make me feel better today. "Mm" Callie tried again. "I am here baby, it's ok, get some rest". "M-Mama" Callie finally got out. "yes baby I am here, Robert's here too, I am so happy you are awake honey. How are you feeling"? I made sure I talked slowly, the doctor told me it was easier for her to understand if I talked slow. "B-Bad" she whispered. "I know honey, I know, but you are doing a lot better and maybe you can come home soon". My heart hurt along with the rest of my body. I hated seeing my baby like this. A tear rolled down her face and I wiped it away for her as she was having trouble using her hands. She hasn't done any type of PT since she woke up yesterday. Robert stood up and grabbed Callie's hand. "Hey kiddo its your dad. You're a trooper, we will get you through this". I could tell he loved Callie but I know if she wanted him here. She never wanted to be vulnerable and I don't know how she felt. "Hi" She choked out. She squeezed my hand slightly and I could tell she just wanted to be home. I hated seeing her like this. I needed her to start getting better. A woman came into the room dressed in scrubs and introduced herself. She was Callie's new physical therapist."Hey Callie my name is Allie and I'm going to be working with you to gain your strength back. Can you tell me your name"? She seemed nice and she talked slow so Callie could understand. Callie looked confused but began to open her mouth. "C-Callie". She said and I smiled as well as Robert. "Good job, now we are going to have you sit up with my help. I am going to wrap your arms around my shoulders and you are going to sit up. Are you ready"? Callie nodded and slowly wrapped her arms around Allie's shoulders. It was a very slow process but she was able to sit up and hold herself up for a few seconds. Her body was shaking but I trusted Allie. Allie slowly laid Callie back down and started stretching her legs. I grabbed onto her hand because I could tell she was in pain. She squeezed my hand and another tear rolled down her cheek. "It's okay baby, one thing at a time". She gave me a crooked smile but I could tell she wasn't happy. Allie said goodbye and left us alone. Robert said goodbye to Callie and it was just us. She was beginning to fall asleep and I was thankful because all I wanted to do was cry. I miss my sweet baby. I looked at her peacefully sleeping and all I wished for was that she would wake up and be who she was before. I missed her and if I could trade places with her I would without a shadow of a doubt. I know this is going to take months or even years to recover from but I didn't know if I could do it. I couldn't handle looking at my sweet daughter lying in a hospital bed not even able to sit up herself. It was 7 PM now and I thought about going to bed myself, this was exhausting. Sleeping next to Callie every night thinking that I could wake up to her dead or her having a seizure scared me. I wanted Stef here but I know she has to care for the other kids, it just feels like I am a single parent. I needed more support than I was getting.

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