Chapter 5: when she will get better?

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Stef's POV
Callie has been in the hospital for 10 days and even though she is now awake and talking it's still gut wrenching to see. Lena went home to shower while I stayed with Callie. She was getting moved out of the ICU today which I was really excited for. The kids could come and visit her now but I don't know if she was ready. She was still stuttering very bad and was frustrated due to being exhausted. While waiting for the team of doctors and nurses to move her out of the ICU I went to go get a cup of coffee from the cafe and I was horrified what I came back to.
Mariana's POV
Stef and lena were taking turns visiting Callie in the hospital and I could tell they were both exhausted. I overheard mom saying that Callie was getting moved out of the ICU today. That means I can visit her now. I have to tell her how sorry I am. I snuck another 1 of Jesus's pills and sat on the couch. I was waiting for mama to get out of the shower before I would ask about seeing Callie. Jesus, Jude, and Brandon all came down and sat on the couch with me. We sat in silence. It was weird not having Callie with us. For the past 10 days I've had to sleep in my room alone. Mama came down and I immediately stood up asking if I could visit Callie. "I don't know honey. Callie still isn't feeling very well. Maybe tomorrow". The answer was always "maybe tomorrow". I needed to see my sister. I grabbed my bag and before I could leave myself Lena stopped me. "Enough I am done with all of you! Jude is getting high on weed, your stealing your brothers pills, Brandon is never going to college, Jesus doesn't even have any meds left and then there's me. Doing all this by myself! I can't take it anymore you guys, I can't"! A tear rolled down her face and I could tell how stressed she was. I picked up my bag and left. I needed to see Callie. I walked into the hospital and into the ICU. I found her room number and walked in. Her eyes were closed but she looked peaceful. I gently shook her awake and she took a minute to focus on me. "Hey Callie it's me, Mariana. I had to see you. How are you feeling"? She looked at me and looked confused. "I-I. Why-why. Where"? She said. I started crying and felt a pair of hands on my shoulders. I turned around and it was Stef.
Stef's POV
When I walked back into the room to get ready for Callie to be taken out of the ICU I saw Mariana in there. Is she serious right now. "I-I. Why-why. Where"? I heard Callie say. Great. Mariana was crying and now Callie looked scared. "Hey hey it's ok baby. You are doing great. I'll be right back, it's ok". I said to Callie. She relaxed slightly but I could tell she was scared. I took Mariana outside to the waiting room and sat her down. "You can not cry in front of Callie love. I know you're scared. We all are. But you can not cry in front of her". "I just wanted to see if she was okay but she's not is she? This is all my fault. I wish I could trade places with her". Mariana broke down in my arms and for once I saw her regret. She had clearly felt awful about what happened but that still didn't change anything. It didn't change the fact that Callie was 10 feet away in a hospital bed changed forever. I realized in that moment how broken Mariana was. I held her close and just wanted both my babies to be okay. I realized I had been to hard on Mariana. She has been just as scared for Callie as the rest of us. She really loved her sister. A nurse called me over to the desk and told me they were ready to move Callie out of the ICU. I grabbed Mariana's hand and we walked back to her room together. I grabbed onto Callie's hand and walked with her while she was being transferred to a regular room. Mariana followed behind but I knew she wanted to be at Callie's side. We reached the new room she was staying in and they got Callie settled in. "Hey Cal all the kids want to come and see you. I'm going to call them and tell them they can visit". She sighed but I ignored it. I know she didn't want it but the kids needed to see her. I was hoping it would calm the tension in the house.
Callie's POV
Mariana came to visit me but I didn't want to see her. For some reason she made me angry, but I just couldn't remember why. Something happened but what was it? Mama. I remember mama being there where is she now? Did she leave me? I was snapped out of my thoughts to people holding both my hands and a lot of loud noise. I looked up to my left and saw a familiar face. Who was that? Jude, it was Jude. "J-j-jude", I got out. "Hey Callie yeah it's me. How are you feeling"? "Bad". I said with a sigh. He squeezed my hand tighter and I felt better. I loved my baby brother. I felt someone on my right side and looked up, it was Jesus. "Hey Callie I am really happy you are okay. You got so many get well cards I'm going to have to read to you". Jesus was a good brother. He Always made me feel better. I squeezed his hand back and he smiled like a little kid opening their Christmas gifts. I saw Brandon at the end of the bed and gave him a crooked smile. He smiled back but it wasn't heartfelt. All of this was overwhelming me and my head started to hurt. "M-mama where"? I asked. "Hey I'm right here honey. We are all here. Are you doing okay"? She asked. No. I wasn't, but how do I put it into words? "I- I want to be b-better and come h-home". I think that made sense. "You will be home soon baby I promise" she said giving me a kiss on the forehead. I didn't want anyone else in here. Especially Jude, he has never seen me like this. The physical therapist came in and we started to do some work. What was her name again? Allie it was Allie. "H-hi Allie". I got it. I'm doing this. "Hello Callie how are you doing today? Ready for some PT"? Yes, I was. Doing good in PT met I got to go home sooner. The family all left besides Lena and Stef and I was relieved. They overwhelmed me, especially Mariana. I was able to sit up today by myself and then we had to work on standing. Allie helped me stand and held me up for what felt like forever. My legs were starting to shake but I ignored it. I needed to come home. She sat me back down for a few minutes and then I worked on standing and actually walking. I took 2 steps and get very unsteady. My world was spinning but I ignored it and it eventually stopped. Maybe I was getting better. "Good job honey. Good job" Lena said. I smiled and walked back to the bed with minimal assistance. Every step hurt but I wanted to get the hell out of this hospital. Allie said goodbye and Lena tucked me back into bed. I was exhausted and started to drift into a sleep.

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