Chapter 17: Will I ever get better?

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Callie's POV

Another day had passed and my moms let AJ spend the night. Today was Monday and that meant everyone else got to go to school while I was stuck here working on PT with Lena. I still did not feel well but I shook it off, I wanted to be better and back at school. The rest of the kids came down and began to eat breakfast. I was not hungry in the slightest but Stef and Lena always forced me to eat. I stood up with the help of AJ and walked to the table. I had a pounding headache that would not go away and stinging pain behind my eye. I picked up the fork and began eating but after a couple bites I felt nauseous. Why was this so damn hard? I slammed the fork onto the plate and everyone looked over to me. Great, now I look crazy. "Baby what's going-" Stef began and it infuriated me. "S-Shut the hell u-up" I screamed at her. "Callie what the hell" Jude yelled back at me. I've never been angry with my little brother but right now I was infuriated. I wanted to be left alone. AJ placed a hand on my back and I calmed down slightly but I was still infuriated. I stood up quickly to walk back to the couch and almost tripped on the way but AJ was there to catch me. I sat on the couch and began sobbing. "Cal what's wrong" AJ asked. I cried harder and looked at him in the eyes. "W-Will I ever get b-better" I said. He gave me a sympathetic smile along with a kiss on the forehead and told me I will. I just wanted this to be over. I didn't want to live like this anymore. Everyone was getting ready to leave for school when Mariana came over to me. "I know how much you're struggling Callie but you will get better. Look how far you've come already. I am proud of you and I love you". For once her words didn't make me angry. I stood up and she looked scared for a second until I engulfed her in a hug. We hugged for a minute before she pulled away saying she needed to go to school. I so badly wanted to go to school with her but I couldn't. I still wasn't allowed back at Anchor Beach when that is all I wanted. AJ gave me a kiss goodbye and he headed out with the rest of them. Being home was horrible. I was so thankful for my family but I felt suffocated by them. Lena came into the living room with flashcards and I was immediately annoyed. Every time I couldn't read something I just got mad. I need to be at school. She sat across from me and held up the first flashcard. The words were blurry and then they came into focus. House, it says house. "H-House" I choked out. Lena smiled big and I could tell she was happy. She pulled the next card and the words were longer, it was a sentence. "This I-is my h-house". She smiled once again and after doing a few more flashcards she said we were done with flashcards. Now came the penny activity. This involved a container of pennies and nickels and I had to separate them into 2 piles. This one always frustrated me because I took forever to do it because my left hand was still affected from the accident. It felt like it took an eternity but I was able to complete it in 5 minutes. Lena sensed my frustration and we were finally done. Now I can have the day to relax and sleep which is all I wanted. The Tylenol she gave me wasn't working very well and the pain was still in my head. The doctor said this was to be expected but it was still horrible. None of the medicines ever helped and I just wanted to be back to the person I was. The person who was able to protect Jude and walk more than 10 steps without falling.  Today was a better day but I needed to apologize to Stef for yelling at her. I felt awful but it just happened. There are times where I just get so mad and can't calm myself down. Usually Lena is the one to calm me down but nothing was working this morning. I hate who I am and I hate this life. 

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