Chapter 20: Her breaking point

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Jude's POV

Another week has passed in the Adams Foster household and things have not been good. Stef and Lena have been fighting non stop everyday, Callie has had major impulse control problems, Brandon is depressed abut Julliard, Mariana has been acting weirder than normal, and then there is me and Jesus, the only two trying to hold this family together. Lena was preparing dinner by herself and Callie was in her room trying to do some homework. I decided to go and sit with Callie and see how she was doing. I walked into her room and saw her reading a book. There was an immense look of concentration on her face. The easy things were no longer easy. It pained me to see her like this but I always did my best to not let her see it. I sat down on her bed next to her and grabbed her hand. "I just want to tell you how proud of you I am Callie. I love you and appreciate everything you have done for me". She smiled and placed her book down. She went to say something but she remained silent. I knew she was struggling yet I didn't know how to help her, and that was the worst feeling ever. She clenched her fists together and I could tell she was becoming angry. I placed my hand on top of hers and told her to breath. "I hate this Jude. I really hate this. I just want things to be back to normal". She said with a deep sigh at the end. I hugged her close and we heard the doorbell ring. The Quinns were taking Callie for the night so she could have a break from the constant tension in the house. She slowly stood up and I grabbed her bag for her and we began the slow process of walking down the stairs. Halfway down the stairs I heard Lena and Stef whispering and I could tell they were arguing. "Well Stef maybe if you were around more than none of this would have happened. I am having to parent 5 teenage children by myself and it feels like I have no support from you. How do you expect me to do all of this by myself"! I heard Lena yell. I looked over to see if Callie had noticed but she was in such deep concentration it went right over her head. We reached the bottom of the stairs and I saw Robert, Jill, and Sophia standing at the door smiling. Stef and Lena were standing to the right of them and stopped arguing once we came into sight. I hugged Callie goodbye and as she was getting ready to leave  Stef placed her bag into Callie's hand and she stumbled. It was still near impossible for her to even carry a bag. She almost fell but Robert quickly caught her. I looked at Lena and I saw complete rage on her face. Mariana came down to say goodbye and Callie completely ignored her. I sensed her getting angry but I didn't know whether or not to step in. "Callie say goodbye to Mariana. She is your sister. Your behavior recently is not acceptable". Stef said. The room immediately went silent and anyone who had a smile instantly dropped it. Callie looked confused and Lena tossed the bag she was holding onto the floor. "I am done with all of this. I am single handle taking care of this family and anytime any little inconvenience happens you lose your shit. I am completely at my breaking point and I can't take this anymore. I am done". Lena shouted at Stef with tears rolling down her face. At this point the entire family was in the room and there was a painful silence. Stef nodded her head and walked out the door. Was she ever going to come back? Was this family broken forever? How could this happen? What was going to happen next. 

A/N: Sooo a cliffhanger. Are Lena and Stef going to get through this? Are the kids going to be okay? Please Please let me know what you all want to see! 

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