Chapter 9: Back to square one

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Lena's POV

I was in the kitchen cleaning up the mess left behind by the kids when I heard a blood curdling scream. "MAMA" Mariana yelled out. Something was seriously wrong. I dropped the glass in my hand and ran to the living room to see Callie having a seizure. Mariana was crying, Brandon, Jesus, and Jude came barreling down the stairs, AJ had a death grip on Callie's hand and Stef was just staring into space. I ran over to Callie and grabbed her shoulders placing her on her side. I instructed Jesus to start timing the seizure and I knew if it lasted over 5 minutes she needed to go to the hospital. It has been 4 minutes and I told Brandon to call 911. I wanted Callie in the hospital and I wanted her there now. The paramedics walked into the door 10 minutes later and Callie was still seizing. They began pumping her full of medications and the seizure slowed but her eyes never opened again. She was still breathing but her eyes were closed. She was loaded into the ambulance and as I was going to jump in I couldn't. I was brought back to that same day when Callie was loaded into the ambulance after being punched in the head. The paramedic rushed me into the ambulance and there I sat. Next to my unconscious 16 year old daughter. This was terrible. I prayed once again asking for a miracle. Callie's eyes started to flutter open and once open I saw they were completely blood shot and glossy. Her eyes scanned the back of the ambulance but she couldn't find me. I squeezed her hand saying "I'm right here baby, it's ok". She didn't squeeze my hand back and she didn't look at me. She started seizing again and my heart dropped. I was going to lose her this time. 

Stef's POV

I gathered a small bag for Callie and rushed to the hospital leaving the kids behind. I couldn't believe she had another long seizure. I pulled into the hospital and had a sick feeling. Something was wrong, worse than what happened when she first got hit. They weren't going to tell me my daughter was dead? They couldn't. I walked ever so slowly into the hospital and found out what room Callie was in. I turned the corner and saw Lena standing outside the room shaking. I looked in the window and saw Callie's seizure starting to slow. We stood in silence for 10 minutes before the doctor came out. "I am going to run some tests on Callie. She had what we call status epilepticus which is a prolonged seizure lasting more than 5 minutes. This could cause more regression in her speech, balance, vision, and maybe affect other things but we won't know until we test. You can go in and say hello but she is very groggy from all the medications". I ran inside grabbing Callie's hand and it felt different. It was limp. Her eyes slowly opened and she was putting all of her effort in to open them. She looked straight ahead but didn't see Lena or I standing in front of her. She sighed deeply and continued to stare ahead. There was an oxygen mask on her face and she looked pale. This is just what it was like after she was placed in the hospital after being hit. All I wanted was to trade places with my baby but I couldn't, there was no chance to do so. She fell back asleep and the doctor came in around 30 minutes later with a clipboard and pages attached to it with a pen. "I have the test results". 

A/N: Ok so what do you guys want to see? 

Callie wakes up like she was before this seizure?

Callie wakes up and has regressed or

Callie doesn't wake up? Comment please! 

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