Chapter 21: Consequences

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Robert's POV

As soon as I entered the Adams Foster house I could tell there was an immense amount of tension but I decided to ignore it. We were here for Callie and that was all that was in my mind. Jill and Sophia walked Callie to the car and I pulled Lena to the side after she stormed off. She looked at me and I saw a look of pain like I had never seen. "I am sorry you had to witness that. Callie has been having some major impulse control problems so just keep an eye on her. She says things she doesn't mean. I appreciate the support you and Jill have offered". I gave her a small smile and she walked to her car but never started it. I figured she needed her space so I walked to my car getting in the driver seat. Callie rested her head on the window and I could tell she was exhausted. We arrived at the house and Sophia gently shook Callie awake. We helped her upstairs and she got right into bed after changing into some pajamas. She was exhausted and I knew she needed her sleep. Sophia got into the bed with her and they both fell asleep almost instantly. I walked across the hall to Jill and I bedroom. I sat on the edge of the bed and held Jill's hand. "You know, what if she never gets better. We set up a college fund for her, she was going to be a lawyer. How is this going to happen now"? Jill remained silent for a second before speaking. "She has made great strides, she will continue to get better, we just have to continue to support her". I nodded and decided to change and get into bed. Was what Jill said true or is this how it was going to be forever? All I wanted was for Callie to be how she was before. The caring girl who always put others before herself but never let her guard down. Exhaustion overtook me and I closed my eyes. 

Jill's POV

Robert and I went to sleep and I woke up the next morning around 8 AM. I got up t brush my teeth and then I was going to make breakfast for the four of us. As I was brushing my teeth I heard an awful bang and then Sophia scream. "MOM", it was a blood curling scream that I had never heard in my life. I immediately ran downstairs to see what the bang was. I saw Sophia standing over Callie and she was laying on the floor. I noticed blood pooling around her head and Robert came barreling down the stairs. Callie's eyes were open but they were glossy and not focused. She was making a gurgling sound and then began seizing. "Sophia call 911 right now" I shouted. Sophia was frozen in fear with tears running down her face. I ran to call 911 when I heard a knock on the door. I ignored the knocking on the door and shouted for an ambulance. Once the operator said the ambulance was on the way I stopped and stared at the door. I knew it was Lena. She was here to pick up Callie. I ran to the door and opened it with tears in my eyes. "Jill are you al- oh my god Callie"! Lena pushed me to the side and ran too Callie's side. She held her hand and then the paramedics came in. "Alright give us some room" one of the medics shouted. They began wrapping her head in gauze and put an oxygen mask on her face. Sophia was standing in the corner repeating how sorry she was. What was she sorry for? The medics placed Callie on the stretcher and Lena had a death grip on Callie's hand. She jumped into the back of the ambulance with Callie and I could tell how terrified she was. Was Callie going to die? Was this the end? What even happened? Millions of questions rushed through my mind and all I could do was pray that she was going to be okay. Robert grab his car keys and I went over to Sophia to see what was wrong. I saw a broken picture frame of Robert, Sophia, Callie and I on the floor. "Mom I am so sorry". I ignored her for the time being and rushed to the hospital. We sat in the waiting room for 30 minutes while Robert and Lena were in the back with Callie. "Mom I am so sorry. Callie and I were fighting and she said how she never wanted to be part of this family and I don't know what overcame me. I pushed her not expecting her to fall and she stumbled back tripped over the frame she broke and hit her head. I never thought this would happen, I am so sorry". I stared at her in horror and she looked behind me and was frozen in fear. "You pushed Callie to the ground"? I turned around and saw Lena looking absolutely furious. "Get the hell out of here, right now. And do not come back. Ever. All three of you leave". She said in a calm but angry voice. I grabbed Sophia and hurriedly walked out of the hospital. Robert followed behind but did not say a word. What was happening to my daughter? Was she off her meds? Why would she ever push Callie knowing what the consequences could be? The three of us got into the car and Robert sat in silence before pulling away. He did not say a single word the entire ride home and there was a deafening silence. Not even the radio was playing. 

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