Chapter 3: The waiting game

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Lena's POV

Stef and I have been taking turns staying at the hospital for the past week and there has been no change in Callie's status. All I wanted was for my baby to wake up, I just needed to see her eyes. I woke up at 7 today and was going to get to the hospital around 8 AM. As I was getting ready to get into the shower my phone started ringing. I ran over to the phone in case it was Stef telling me something had happened with Callie. I saw the name Monte on my phone and answered, it was weird she was calling me on a Saturday. "Hello"? I answered. "Hi Lena, so it has come to my attention that Brandon took the SAT's for someone else, he is no longer accepted into Juliard and is not able to attend College next year, I am really sorry. How's Callie"? She said. "She is still in a coma, thanks for telling me, I have to go". I was infuriated. Why would he take the SAT's for someone else? I showered quickly and walked into his room. I woke him up and I lost it. "Brandon what the hell is wrong with you? Why would you take the SAT's for someone else? What could you possibly need that much money for? You do realize this means you are no longer going to Julliard or any college? I can't even look at you". I turned around to leave to see Mariana, Jesus, and Jude all staring at me. "Mama can I please come and visit Callie"? Mariana asked. "No, she is still not allowed any visitors other than parents and as a matter of fact I am done with all the secrets going on in this house. You are stealing your brothers pills, Jude is getting high on weed, Brandon isn't going to college anymore, and then there is Jesus, the only one who hasn't done anything wrong in the past week. The doors are coming off and they better be off by the time Mom gets home. I am going to the hospital now". The kids stared at me as I stormed off. I was so done, I couldn't handle this stress anymore. As I walking out the door I was bombarded by none other than Robert Quinn. "How could you and Stef not tell me Callie was in the hospital? I had to find out from Sophia. You know I am really starting to regret signing those papers". This was the last thing I needed. "I am sorry for not telling you Robert but she is in critical condition and the last thing I thought of was telling everyone. Only parents are allowed to see her right now so if you would like to come then I am going there now". The last thing I wanted was Robert to come to the hospital with me but I did feel bad for not telling him. We got into the car and the ride was silent. We pulled into the parking lot and before we got out I thought it would be best to warn him. "Callie has been diagnosed with a TBI. She is still in a coma and has been for a week. We don't know when she is going to wake up and how she is going to be when she does". He looked devastated and got out of the car. We walked into the hospital and walked to the ICU unit. He stopped outside the unit and took a deep breath. "thank you for caring for Callie and I am sorry about what I said about signing the papers. I know you guys take good care of her". I gave him a slight smile and we walked to Callie's room.

Robert's POV

Knowing my daughter was in the ICU fighting for her life broke me. How could all this result from a punch to the head? We walked into her room and I saw the tube down her throat and I couldn't compose myself, I was broken. I began crying and Stef and Lena gave me sympathetic looks but nothing was going to make me feel better in this moment. I slowly approached Callie and grabbed her hand. "Hey kiddo it's your dad. Your mom and mama are here too. We really need you to wake up and be okay. Sophia is really scared for you and so am I so please wake up". Nothing. Nothing happened. All I needed was for Callie to wake up. We all sat in silence for another 10 minutes and Callie began to stir. Lena stood up and ran over to Callie grabbing her hand. "hey baby it's mama please wake up for me". I could tell how much they cared for her. Slowly her eyes started to open and she began coughing trying to pull the tube from her mouth. Some nurses ran in and removed the tube from her mouth. She looked exhausted. She saw Lena and a jumble of sounds came out of her mouth. "It's ok baby don't try and talk we are all here. I'm here, moms here and your dad is here too. I am so happy you're back baby. I love you". Lena really cared for her. Callie made a deep sigh and seemed scared but I was just happy she was awake, even if she was never going to be the same.

Callie's POV

I heard people talking to me and people holding my hands but I couldn't see anything. I started to open my eyes but the bright light was burning. I felt something in my mouth and then I started coughing. Was this what it feels like to die? Finally the thing was out of my mouth and I heard people talking to me, but everything was blurry. I tried to ask something but it just came out as a jumble of words.  "It's ok baby don't try and talk we are all here. I'm here, moms here and your dad is here too. I am so happy you're back baby. I love you". Someone said this to me, and they spoke slowly. Who was it though? "I love you Callie". I heard one more time. Lena it was Lena. But why was everything so blurry? I tried to say mama but all that came out was "Mm". My vision was starting to get less blurry. "It's okay baby, I'm here. Mom and your dad are here too. We love you honey". It wasn't okay. I couldn't move right and I couldn't talk. What even happened for me to be in this position? My eyes started to get heavy and I felt myself drifting into a sleep.

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