Chapter 15: Changes

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Stef's POV

Callie slept throughout the night and the house was quiet. Mariana locked herself in her room and did not talk to anyone. There was so much going on with her but I didn't even know how to approach it. Mariana had a therapy appointment with Lena and I today at 12 o clock and I wasn't looking forward to it. I hated therapists. Callie woke up around 8 AM and we got her showered and dressed for the day. She walked to the table by herself but I stood close by incase she fell. She sat down exhausted and began eating the eggs and pancakes Lena had made. The rest of the family came down and joined us and I panicked thinking they were late to school. Then I realized it was winter break. Had it really already been 2 months since the accident? Callie pushed her plate away and hobbled back to the couch. Lena followed her and they began working on some PT. She did some balance exercises and then flashcards. She always got frustrated during flashcards but Lena always knew how to calm her down. She seemed to be in a better mood today. Once Callie was finished with PT Jesus came in and put on a movie for them to watch. I instantly saw Callie relax. Jesus was so good with her and I had to admit I was slightly jealous. I went to help Jude finish the dishes and then got ready myself. As I walking up the stairs Mariana turned the corner and looked at me. I could tell she had been crying all night. I gave her a sympathetic smile and walked upstairs.

Mariana's POV

Seeing Stef actually smile at me made me feel slightly better. I was nervous for today, I didn't want to go to therapy with the both of them. I knew they would tag team against me. It was around 11:15 and we decided to leave for the appointment. Brandon was left in charge of everyone and I said goodbye to Callie but she just stared right pass me. I knew it. She was going to hate me forever. We got into the car and it was silent for the first 10 minutes. "How are you doing love" Stef suddenly chirped in. "Fine, thanks". I said. Not another word was said after that. We walked into the therapist office and mama and mom were holding hands. I could tell they didn't want to be here either. For the first 10 minutes moms spoke telling him about the other kids and what they do for work, the rest was a blur. "What do you think Mariana? Do you blame yourself for Callie"? My heart skipped a beat as all 3 of them were looking at me for an answer. I felt tears escaping and Lena placed a hand on my back. "Yes. I am a terrible sister. If I never called her she would have never gotten hurt. The last thing I said to her was during a fight and I never got the chance to apologize. I know she is going to hate me forever". I was now sobbing and Stef came and sat on the other side of me. "Listen to me love, no one blames you for what happened. You called Callie because you know that no matter how angry she is at you that she will still come and rescue you. We are angry at what happened yes, but we don't blame you love. Your decisions recently are just scaring us. We have enough going on with Cal we can't lose you too baby". I nodded my head wiping my tears away and for once in the past 2 months I felt happy. I know they are angry with me but hearing that they do not blame me really helped me feel better. Now I just had to hope Callie didn't blame me.

Callie's POV

Mom's said goodbye to me along with Mariana but I ignored her. I am starting to remember. Mariana and I fought that morning because I caught her taking Jesus's pills. Then we went to get signatures for Jack. Then I woke up on the ground and got loaded into the ambulance with Lena. AJ was there too, he was holding my hand. But what happened for me to end up in the ambulance? I thought really hard but I couldn't remember no matter how hard I tried. The movie Jesus put on ended and he suggested we play a board game. He really was a great brother. He pulled out the game of life and I went first. It took a lot of effort to spin the spinner and I was getting frustrated. Jesus spun it for me and then allowed me to move my piece. It took me a minute to move just 3 spaces but he still had the biggest smile on his face. Jude and Brandon went next and then it was my turn again. My body was aching and I knew I wouldn't be able to spin the spinner. Jesus obviously sensed my frustration and said "Hey Cal watch this". He stood up all excited and started dancing like crazy. I laughed for the first time in 2 months and It felt great. He was imitating animals and I couldn't stop laughing.

Lena's POV

After therapy was over we all decided to go home and see how Callie was doing. We walked into the living room to hear everyone laughing. I turned the corner and saw Jesus dancing and the rest of the kids were laughing. I had never seen Callie laugh this hard and she had the biggest smile on her face. Jesus had calmed down but was still smiling. He was so good with Callie and I was happy they were becoming close. He sat back down on the couch next to Callie and helped her take her turn in the game. She was smiling and for once she was actually happy. I haven't seen her this happy since Jude was adopted. She was happy when she got adopted too but Jude's adoption meant more to her. We let them enjoy their time together and I encouraged Mariana to go over there and play the game with them. She sat next to Brandon on the floor and I could tell she was nervous. "Hey Callie" she whispered, Callie looked up at the mention of her name but missed what was said and who said it. Mariana looked discouraged but I encouraged her. "She didn't hear you honey try again". She nodded and said "Hey Cal" louder. Callie looked around for a minute before she could focus on Mariana. "Hi" she said. Her mood had changed and I knew Mariana, Callie, and I were going to have to talk about this. Callie was still confused but she was starting to remember. The kids went back to playing the game and Stef and I sat on the other couch holding hands. Today was a good day.

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