Chapter 12: Why

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Jude's POV

I laid on Callie's bed hugging her while the ventilator was taken out. I felt the mechanical rise and fall of her chest from the ventilator and then it stopped. The family was sobbing and I laid my head on her chest, I wasn't ready to say goodbye to my sister, this couldn't happen, not now. 30 seconds had passed but it felt like 30 years. I felt her chest rise but it was so little I thought I imagined it. I then felt it fall and I jolted off the bed. "She is still breathing moms look" I screamed. The doctor came over checking her vitals and the machine was still reading a heart rate. It was a slow 50 beats per minute but it was still there. We all stared at the doctor and all we could hear was the occasional sniffle of everyone In the room. "I was wrong. Callie is strong enough to breath by herself. Hopefully she will wake up soon" the doctor said. I jumped back onto Callie's bed and I was not letting her go. I couldn't lose her again, I needed to protect her. 

Callie's POV

I felt something come out of my mouth and then I couldn't breath. This isn't happening, I couldn't die, who was going to protect Jude? It got harder and harder to breath but then I was able to breath. It hurt to breath but I was able to do it. I heard multiple people talking but I couldn't understand what they were saying. I just needed to open my eyes and see someone.  I put all my effort into opening my eyes and everything was blurry. My world was spinning and I felt like I was going to get sick. Someone was laying on top of me and my entire body hurt. I tried to move to get this person off me but they wouldn't budge. I wanted to yell to get off of me but I couldn't figure out how to form the words. I sighed deeply and felt the weight lifted off of me. 

Lena's POV

Seeing Callie open her eyes after another 10 days tore me apart. She looked like she was in pain and I could see her trying to move but her body wouldn't do it. She sighed and I noticed Jude had his full weight on top of her. I quickly ushered Jude off of her and she immediately relaxed. The kids were taking turns saying hello to her and she looked exhausted. She was looking around the room but couldn't focus on anyone. I know the doctor said her vision would improve but this is heartbreaking. She was finally becoming a normal teenager before this and now she is completely set back. I saw Mariana sitting next to her holding her hand and crying. Seeing how broken Mariana was broke me but that didn't get rid of the anger I felt. Brandon walked over to me embracing me in a hug crying. Despite what they had done, Brandon and Callie loved each other like siblings. He looked at her like her younger sister and he was devastated this happened. "Mama I am not going on tour anymore. Callie needs us here and I want to help". I smiled giving him a hug. We have raised a great man. After letting the kids talk to her for 20 minutes we decided to bring them home. Callie needed to rest. Both Stef and I wanted to stay with Callie so I handed Brandon the keys and told him to keep an eye one everyone, especially Mariana. This was going to be a long night. 

Callie's POV

I heard people saying goodbye to me but everything was so blurry it was hard to see who was still there. I felt someone holding my left and right hand but I couldn't see who it was. They were to my side and when I tried to turn my head I felt a horrible sharp pain. Mama. I wanted Lena. I turned to my left despite the pain and saw big brown curly hair. Her face was blurry but I knew it was Lena. I squeezed her hand as hard as I could, which wasn't a lot and tried to smile. "Oh baby, we are so happy you are back with us". I wanted a hug, I needed to say it. But how do you form the words? Every time I tried nothing came out. "It's okay honey don't try and say anything just relax". I couldn't relax, I was scared. I squeezed her hand once more and she gave me a kiss on my forehead somewhat relaxing me but I didn't want her to leave. As my eyes started to get heavy I heard a door open. In came a lady who was all blurry. After trying to focus for a minute she was wearing scrubs, she looked familiar. 'Hey Cal I am Allie, I am going to do some PT with you". PT? That sounds familiar but I couldn't think of what it was. She took my arm away from Lena and started stretching it. Every muscle was twitching and I was in pain. Maybe dying wouldn't have been so bad. She moved to every other limb and I felt tears coming down my face. I saw Lena appear again grabbing my new freed arm and rubbing my shoulder. "It's okay Cal just breath" she said. I tried to do that but it wasn't working. This pain was too much. "S-s-stop". I was finally able to get the words out. The physical therapist finally stopped tucking me back in and said we will continue tomorrow. Lena continued to hold my hand when I saw someone else stand in front of me. She had short blonde hair but I couldn't place her. Then I remember when Jude and I got rescued from Pearson's house. She was there but what was her name. Sam? No. Stef, it was Stef. Lena and Stef, they were my moms and I was so happy they were there. I didn't want them to leave me. Stef came over grabbing my other hand and I felt at peace. My head was still throbbing but I was at peace. Why? Why was this happening to me? The exhaustion overcame me and I went back to the darkness. 

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