chapter 2 - [ Getting used ]

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The sun rises and the chickens can be heard , it was morning .


Boboiboy stretched his whole body then made his bed . He saw Amato & Mechabot we're still sleeping . They were hugging eachother too , a smile appeared on Boboiboy's face just by looking at them . It was cute considering their . . interesting- relationship when they're awake .

Boboiboy decided to go downstairs to make himself a drink , maybe just a glass of water since he's too lazy in the morning . Downstairs , he got a glass of water and went back upstairs as the atmosphere downstairs scared him .

He opened the door and to no one's shock , they were still dead asleep . Boboiboy could only rolled his eyes as he sat on the sofa /the place amato hid his secret tunnel/. It's so nice to meet him again, are they doing back in the future..? are they saf-

To ruined his deep thinking , Amato yawned and went to sit next to Boboiboy . " What's wrong , you look sad ? " Amato asked , He's eyes were barely open but Boboiboy appreciate his effort to comfort him .

" Just thinking about my friends , I miss them . We are really close and spend years together so it's just . . weird . . " Amato suddenly patted his shoulder . " Hey if you guys are that close , I'm sure they'll miss you too " Amato smiled lazily .

Boboiboy smiled too after hearing what Amato just said . " Thanks it really lighten up my mood " Boboiboy thanked but to his suprise . Amato once again is dead asleep . Boboiboy sweat-dropped , was his father a sleeping addict ?

Boboiboy decided to lay down next to Amato and sleep too , and maybe (hopefully) get over his stress .


It was breakfast . It wasn't something Boboiboy was used to actually eating as a family ? he always eat alone or with his friends when he was on mission in Tapops so it was something only 10 year old him could experience . The breakfast consist of curry puffs and more curry puffs , however Boboiboy wasn't complaining considering the curry puffs was absolutely delicious .

He didn't know until now that Tok Aba started making coco drinks at such a young /not really/ age , the iconic coco drink taste the exact same as it does in the future . It was the drink that can comfort him , the drink he grew up with , the drink of his childhood .


After breakfast , Boboiboy decided to watch Amato in the garage just to see how he's father is like considering he /Amato/ was more of a creative individual compare to him . I guess creativity plays a big part when ur a owner of a power sphere of mecha's kind . Boboiboy didn't realised how both are perfect eachother , until he thought about it more and more . He saw how serious Amato was when he was drawing and got curious , too curious .

Boboiboy can't control his curiosity so he peaked at Amato's sketch , the answer it wasn't very clear nvm that it wasn't clear at all . He didn't knew if his father tried to draw a soccer ball or another very different thing . " Uhm- what is that " Boboiboy asked , hesitantly . " It's a power sphere , portalbot ! The one to get you back to the future ! ! " Amato answered proudly as the show the complete drawing to both of them .

" Portalbot looks so ugly and how can you be so sure that it exists , it's not like you were there " Mechabot scoffed as he rolled his robot eyes . " Rubika , is there a power sphere with the power to teleport it's victims to the past or future " Amato asked the little blue square in the Mechanizer . Rubika showed a picture of a power sphere .

" Prisoner 0112 , Portalbot the 3rd generation of power spheres who has the ability to teleport it's victims to the past or future - - - " Rubika keep explaining but what Rubika already said was enough , Amato gave a sharp glare to Mechabot , who rolled his robot eyes as a response once again . " You were there so why couldn't you just said it " Boboiboy facepalm and sighed . Mechabot shrugged as a response

The drawing and the picture of the power sphere look the same , if Boboiboy look at it closely and with barely open eyes enough . It was the robot he saw in the future , the one who took him to the past . Another dragged to evil he thought , he couldn't deny that he did hold some resentment towards the power sphere .

But , the villain was at fault . The power sphere is the puppet in disguise while the villain is the true puppeteer . And Boboiboy knew that .

Staying with his father ? A true dream come true as he's father was always busy to take proper care of him hence that's the main reason he had to stay at his grandfather's , permanently . .

His father as a someone younger than him wasn't much of a dream come true . Amato is currently 14 while Boboiboy was nearly 16 . An age difference that normally get along but they might struggle to because of their many many differences .

Boboiboy suddenly remembered his friends , just thinking about him makes him worried . What if their hurt or worse?! I'm not there to protect them, the villian's too strong for them- His mind couldn't stop thinking about the dark scenarios that played in his head .

" Now we just need to locate where it might be " Amato spoke breaking Boboiboy overthinking while staring at the huge map infront of him . A huge map of Kota Hilir , their village . Boboiboy missed alot of important things thanks to his overthinking and worries .

Amato noticed Boboiboy's face full of blankness . " Guess we aren't so different huh ? " Amato laughed . " He's literally your son , it would be weird if he was completely different " Mechabot gave a unsatisfying look towards his owner while Boboiboy just couldn't help but smiled looking at them , cute he thought at the same time .


" Ughh why is this so unbelievably hard " Amato yelled as he flop on the chair . " Maybe we should just continue later ? It's getting late- didn't you promised to hangout with pian at 12pm ? " Boboiboy suggested as look at his watch , '11:59' .

" Hwuaaaa , you're right ! " Amato said hectically as he rushed to his room . Mechabot laughed as if he saw the funniest thing in the world and Boboiboy can't help but laughed too .

I've already check through this chapter but I'm sorry if there's any mistakes I've missed TTwTT

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