Chapter 10 (2/2) - [ Boring ]

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The boy stared aimlessly at the wall. He was bored and itching for some sort of trill. It was boring. He hated being forced to rest, but he hated hearing Mechabot's scolds more. Who would have thought, a mischievous robot can scold people? Weird.

He listen willingly to the conversations going on behind him. It was the only entertainment he had. The conversations were dry but at least there's something to distract. The chitchat was only  temporary though, and he was left with silence once more.

Among his boredom, a question arose. How was he gonna meet Mr.Aman? Perhaps he can stop all this resting nonsense to meet said man. how ..interesting.

Boboiboy got up, he was glad the stinging wasn't like before. Much less painful. The boy stared at himself in the mirror. The iconic hat of his shining over his frown. Staring at himself didn't look entertaining, it was only Solar's entertainment.

He did see familiarity. The dark chocolate brown hair, the streak of white. All the boys carried it, it made their family special.

"Admiring urself now?"

He subconsciously turned to the voice's location. It was his beloved father. "Oh- Amato." He sighed. Amato was leaning behind his wall of posters, with his rizz making him look hot af. "You're gonna make the wall dirty" Boboiboy scolded, his hazelnut eyes turning gold. "Yea yea" The other stood properly to avoid the scolding.

"Mechabot was so dramatic, you look fine" Amato scoffed. "To think that I believed him" He added more. Boboiboy laughed, his father was cute when he's angry. "It's not funny!! He tricked me with something serious!"

"It's true though"

"huh-" Amato stopped, yet his mouth was still wide open. "it is a serious wound, I could get you in jail if I ever decided to report" Boboiboy innocently smiled, it carried a dark frightening aura. Amato shivered, he was powerless in this situation. "Good thing we're related" The smile widen. "Pian was right.." The short murmured. "hmm?"


"That's what I thought Ying" He continued smiling. "I'm not... Ying?" Amato questioned, wasn't 'ying' a girl's name too? "Tomato?". "I'm not tomato either!!" He argued, he really hated that nickname. "Then?" Boboiboy question, it was genuine. " actually don't remember my name?.."

Boboiboy stayed quiet, "I feel when I was 3" he answered blandly. "My memory's been off ever since" the tall added. "oh- I'm Amato not Ying and especially not Tomato" Amato awkwardly scratched his head. "ok morocco"


As the two chatter, they failed to notice something outside the window. Watching, carefully. Every second, a beep sound is heard. It's collecting video evidence.

"Interesting, hehehehehe"

the lack of idea is killing me inside out 😔😔😔😔😔😔😔

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