Chapter 11 (1/2) - [ Magnet ]

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He blinked, had he gotten shorter? It was known that he wasn't as tall as Boboiboy but, he didn't remembered this tall. "What's wrong?" The said boy asked, once again with pure curiosity. "...T-..Tall-" Amato's mouth stayed open despite there being no continuation of words. Boboiboy stared at him confusedly, scratching his hair even. "W..what?" He hesitantly questioned back.

"Since when did you become.."

Boboiboy's head tilted to the side innocently, "hmm?". " tall!!" Amato finished, amazed yet intimidated by the height. "I'm always like this?"

"It isn't logical if it was me who was getting shorter" The black haired scoffed as he turned. "We have more serious things to focus on than my height" the tall sternly implied, he still needed to get back and they still haven't left square one to do so. "Oh.. Portalbot"

Amato stared into Boboiboy's eyes, it was glowing a fascinating goldish. "Do you always have mood swings?"

"Yes, indeed"

"Ughh, so formal-" Amato frowned at the tall, they were at home not a job interview.

"Get used to it tomato~"


But then, as if all lost speed. A beam of light shoot, aiming straight at Amato. "No- NO WATCH OUT" Boboiboy instantly shoved Amato away, the beam managed to hit his arm causing it to turn reddish purple. "" He took more breaths, as he stared worriedly at his father. Amato only nod as he pushed Boboiboy away, they were an inch away and he is not gay.

"but what was that?.."


"I don't.. know"

"ch..ow" he flinched when he touched his arm, he dread another scar but he seems to be a magnet for them. "woAH- are you okay?!" Amato gasped as he tries to take a nearby roll. "bro, does it look like I'm okay"

"yes actually" Amato mockly smiled as he threw the bandages at Boboiboy.

how am I related to this brain-dead teenager..

Boboiboy suddenly shivered, it felt like a gush of wind just hit him. But how? It was a sunny day with absolutely no wind, especially that cold. Everything is becoming so weird for a time where alien attacks weren't as common, he felt odd

..and even more so happily carefree.


I'm gonna check it again tomorrow, sorry if it isn't as interesting. I forgot most of the original plot 😢

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