Chapter 5 (2/2) - [ Anger ]

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" He's jealous ? . . " Pian asked again despite already knowing the answer . The elemental user stayed quiet , 'Me and Pian always stay best friends all the way until now . Barely even fought' a certant memory slipped . No . . he changed something again ! The boy looked down , he had messed up alot of things yet still had no luck going back .

" Boboiboy ? " Mechabot called , his face looking somewhat concerned . Boboiboy head rise up , along with a little 'hmm?' sound . " Are you okay you been spacing out for quiet some time - "

" Just thinking about my life back at home " The boy spoke , saying 'home' alittle bit louder for Mechabot to understand what he meant . The robot brush it off , and decided to search Pian's room for video games .

" Now what ? "

" Any information to benefit us ? " A holographic short green alien asked , in his usual stern tone . But it was mixed with a certain worried one too . " No Commander . . " Fang answered disappointingly , he had been itching for a fight with the elemental user since forever . The other teammates looked just as disappointed or not worse .

" Keep trying " The commander instructed , as he does the Tapops salute . The team followed , and instantly the hologram disappeared .

" How are we ev - "

" Continue searching . " The crimson eyed boy ordered , he sounds determined . Everyone nodded except for the Indian boy who stared blankly at everyone . " Do you even want to find your best friend at this point " Ying glared , the chinese girl was tired of seeing Gopal do nothing . Everyone else agreed which pressured Gopal to search as well .

" Hmm , the villian must have hidden Portalbot in his base " Ochobot thought loudly as the robot typed on the keys . Despite how desperate he had tried to find all possible places for the villian's hideout , He failed everytime . .

The rest weren't so lucky either , finding nothing or just not enough evidences . As always . .

" Amato . . don't you think it's a little . . harsh ? He doesn't even know what he did ! " The hijabi spoke up , she seemed to have keep it in for quite some time . " He has Boboiboy now, he doesn't need me anymore . I'm useless " He said seriously but his tone sounded sadder at the end , there was no sign of playfulness anywhere . Mara's face tighten as she stops writing .

" He's your best friend ! He won't ditch you especially that fast ! Did you even see his reaction when you ignored him ? Think for once instead of following your heart ! "

Mara struggled to catch her breath while Amato stayed silent . Was this all just misplaced anger ? He knew he could never be mad at Pian , never . Yet he was , apart of him still seek revenge , though he was unsure why it remained in him . He realized his misplaced anger yet it's still there , a random blast of negativity that appeared since the two gotten along .

" Uhmm , currypuffs ? " An middle aged-woman asked , she looked as if was trying to calm down the situation . Judging by the expressions , she had definitely heard everything .

" Eh Ummi- " (Eh Mum-)

I will probably change tho plot of this chapter but idk🚶‍♀️

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