Chapter 8 (2/2) - [ Mother ]

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The black haired stared curiously at the older brunette, plenty of different questions being shaped as he stared. But none of them being voice out for the other to know. All questions relating to one thing, the future.

"uhm.. Boboiboy?" The blacked hair nervously called, he didn't really want to disturb the sick but his curiosity overpowered. "yea?" The other answered, weirded out by the sudden silence breaker. "Can I know things about the future?"

'so sudden? they'll surely use Memorybot on them rightt.. wouldn't hurt uwu'

(uwu pun uwu lah)

"uhm- sure.. what do you wanna know about?" his brown eyes narrowed,he was quite interested in the sudden topic. The black haired stared again, as if trying to come up with the perfect question. "What does my future wi- you're mother looks like?" He looked around suspiciously, as if worrying someone else was eavesdropping in on their conversation.

"My Mother huh?" The brunette thought, the women was rarely around. Only in his earliest ages, it was always just him, father & uncle. Rarely mother. "My mother was present until I was.." He counted with his fingers, "five"

"... so you don't remember what she looks like?"

"nope, every picture of her is ruined too"

"Burned, ruined, blasted all by mechabot..normal stuff" he shrugged, the shock on the others face grew fast. "What?! did Mecha hate her?!?" He asked loudly, shocked visible in his tone. "Yeah, he hold resentment towards her and me. Clingy old Mechabot~~" He smirked, remembering the old days. "Oh but He really hated her, way more than he dislike me" he added, unfased unlike the other.

"Perghhhh clingy sia robot tak reti jaga mulut tu 😱😱"

"Kann dhlh kedekut dgan mainan aku 🙄🙄"




His head rang with pain, it hurt so much that he unknowingly held his head to ease it. Why did it hurt this bad? it never hurts like this..

"Ughh.. where am I..?"

"Medical room, Gopal smacked you too hard. Like, way too hard." A taller raven answered blankly, picking on his nails instead of looking at the other raven. "That's explain my headache" he stared at the taller, well if so bad that he had to be sent to medical..why isn't dear old brother worried?

"Well, I'm fine now.. I'm gonna go back." He spoked, trying to hide his hurt tone. He hated being the sensitive boy. Without looking back, the boy walked out. Leaving the taller, though he knew the other didn't bother caring.

Same ol' Kaizo, with his iconic tough love! Barely changed, rarely tried to changed.

(if only you knew🗿👍)


"Don't you guys think it's taking too long for him to wake up?" Ochobot randomly spoke, catching the others off guard. "You're right, it usually only takes a couple of minutes-" A hijabi agreed, staring at the unconscious raven. "....Well, I was really mad at losin-"

"This kid must have hitted him too hard then!"


"What did you say.." An aura approached, scaring the others successfully. "Since when did you get here C-Captain- hehe.." A Indian tried to change the topic, which was unsuccessful. "You better get him to medical, if it's serious then you guys are gonna..." His finger went from one side of his neck to the other, signifying dead.




"mother! look at my drawing, is it good enough?"

"mother!!" The little child waved his arms, eager to show his mother his new art. "Wait, mother's busy." She pushed the child out of her office, it wasn't hard but it was enough to washed off the boy's smile. "Be a darling and show it too your father first" The mother smiled as she slammed the door, not even waiting for the child.

"but I already did show it too him.."

That was mother for you, a neglectful woman who rarely appreciate anything the child did. By the time the child's birthday came, she was gone. Gone off to space with her busyness probably. Father only told him Mother had went far off for work, he wasn't sure if it was true.


Father became more busy as he grew, but at least he tried to make it up. Unlike mother.

"Boboiboy?! Can you hear me?"

No wonder Mechabot hated her so much, young Boboiboy wouldn't understand but present Boboiboy will.


"huh?" He snapped back to reality, Amato was infront of him. The black haired looked worried. "What were you thinking about?" He asked, he brunette stayed quiet.

Should he really tell him about his bad choice of a wife?

It's always neglectful mato, what about his wife instead 🌚 Also a sprinkle of angst on this fresh story, enjoy! (eh tibe gi ckp enjoy bile dorg dh habis bace🗿)

also feel free to correct any of my mistakes ^^

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