Chapter 10 (1/2) - [ Mechabot ]

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Both stared at eachother, equally full with disgust. The stare got sharper, but ending shortly after. The two boys laughing hysterically, "You should have seen your face! A cute face like yours look so weird like that!-" The orange boy continued laughing. It was fun, but it reminded him too much of them. "Y-your's wa-sn't fitt-ing either- di-noboyy-" The green had to take a breath for every word, he had laughed too hard it made him struggle to do a basic. Breath.

"Okay, that's enough"

Boboiboy tried to get up, but a sharp pain arose causing him to fall back. Pian's had subconsciously tried to grab him, he retrieve himself from doing so. "Aduhh.." He rubbed the aching spot, it was the exact place Amato shot him at. "Why does it still hurts.."

"Maybe because you didn't let it heal, gosh humans are so stupid" Mechabot scoffed as he flew towards the two brunettes. His eyes scanned the wounded, "Exactly 14 days needed to heal"

"What?! That's so longgg" The orange whined, he hated resting. Just like how you hate being vulnerable, A voice laughed but was ignored completely by the brunette. Mechabot stared with a unamused glare, he was being completely serious and the kid is whining? Ugh, he pitied his future self.

"Alaa, it's not that long.. We'll keep you company, right Mecha!~"

Mechabot sighed, with an expression showing 'whatever you say', he agreed with the cheery boy. Boboiboy smiled at the sight, he was reminded of Thorn. Both carried similar brightness and can get anyone to agree with their sweet promises. Not to mention how both are associated with green. "Do you really like to daydream, mandarin boy?" Mechabot judged, apart of his face seems to be holding his laughter. Did he look funny? How offensive of him.

"Now.." His robotic hand gently mold the boy to a sleeping position, "" Mechabot pulled the blanket over the boy. "You got a wound to heal, and these types of wounds need rest to fade. You humans won't get it"

Boboiboy shot a offended glare, he had practically accepted all things alien. Including ways a blasted wound can heal, he wasn't that stupid nor was he lazy! He had to study his way to the top, study so he wouldn't be laughed by the odd.

"Oh- uhmm.. Mecha- Can you bring currypuffs for Boboiboy?" Pian tried as he was sensing tension, which thankfully worked as Mechabot sulkily went downstairs to fulfil his order.

"He's always like that, please don't take it as offense"

The orange stayed quiet, if only he knew how long he tried not taking it as offensive.



A child eagerly walked towards a familiar office, almost pulling the knob when he heard a conversation between two.

"Why would I want to take care of that little annoying kid of yours? You and ¿̷̢̣͙͕͉̭̀̍̀̂͛͊̚͘ṃ̶̣̥͑́̋̔̔̂̕0̷͓͙͚̽̍̑͝ť̸̺͗̂͛̃̚ḣ̵̫͚͆͗͗̋̊̚£̴̩̙̞̜̕͝ŗ̷̫̠̞̟̩͌̌̄?̶̯̬̩͇̥̈̕ can take care of him just fine
so why-"


He didn't wait for it to continue, he heard enough. The child walked back to his room, this time with a shattered heart. That's all he was for him? A mere annoying child of his owner? He felt betrayed.

He only wanted a playmate, someone who can appreciate him when father too busy or when he felt a little too lonely. Guess that's too much to ask.

It's okay, It's okay. He tried comfort himself, but a voice was louder. Repeating of what he knew clear, Annoying Annoying Annoying. It wasn't his, but it carried the same voice.

He'll name it, Reverse! His negative thoughts.



Boboiboy didn't need company, especially from Pian. He respected his determination to accompany him, but Portalbot needs his searchings. He took a break for too long, he needs to continue.

He needs to leave before they got too attached

itching to put reverse in here👹

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