Chapter 13 - [ Take me back ]

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he stared at his own reflection, his pinkish skin was noticeable.. too noticeable. he had forgotten the ice again. everything seems so wrong and he knows he is at fault. he could pretend all he wants but he'll be rushing to the toilet and just bawl his eyes out right after.

I'm so pathetic now

everything could've been avoided if he was just, better. maybe then he will laugh and smile instead of all of this. he didn't need a father figure at all, he had everything yet something practically unreachable is what he wanted. and now all of this,

he pretended he didn't care when amato looked like a living corpse and he pretended he didn't care when pian looked so incredibly sad.

he glances at his reflection again, his sunken brown eyes, his messy hair, the redness from crying. he never cried this badly, heck, he didn't even cry most of the time. he lifted his shirt and pulled his sleeve upwards, revealing their own scars. he wondered, was he gonna have these scars still when he goes back? is he ever coming back?

"..a-aku nak balik.."
[I wanna go home]



the black-haired stirred, yawning as he lifts his body upwards. "amato!" portalbot's voice immediately greets him, his digital face forming a smile. "portalbot..?" amato tiredly says, he didn't have the headache anymore. that's a relieved.

"I need to warn you about something!!" the power sphere's squeaky voice turned bland, making amato raised his eyebrow. "boboiboy is planning to hurt me!"

"and how did you know that?"

"when y-you were asleep, he talked about it with a random guy! he planned to catch me, uses me to get around until i am incapable of doing anything!"

"that doesn't really sounds like any-"

"you don't understand, the overused of power spheres can make us broken! aren't you supposed to be the hero? when someone asks for help, you need to help them... i don't want to be used by a cruel person like him!" the power sphere finalized, after amato sighs, he knows he succeeded.

"if i ever caught him do anything to you.. then fine" amato had his doubts, if he and boboiboy had any sort of relation, boboiboy wouldn't even hurt an ant.

or at least, amato thinks he won't.


he splashes cold water all over his face, he wanted to hide his redness as much as possible. after a few attempts, he felt rather satisfied. even though he is absolutely drenched, at least he got what he asked for!

he stared at his reflection again, as he pucker up a little smile. yeah, he looks good. boboiboy headed towards the door, as he twisted the knob, he felt off. as if something really wrong was going to happen. though he brushes it off, he was never one to trust his guts.

he felt something clinged on to him, almost electrocuting it from the shock. "huh?" his lips slipped, hearing a squeaky chuckle. "I finally found you!" the voice cheered as it stops clinging onto boboiboy to let the hero see. "portalbot?" he gasped.

"in the wires!"

"b-but how are you here?" boboiboy asked, shock glazing his every word as he held portalbot. the robot plastered on a digital grin as they hear the door creaked. immediately, portalbot's mood changed as he yelled out, "LET GO OF ME!! I WON'T LET YOU CAPTURE ME FOR YOUR OWN USE!!!"


"what are you doing?!" amato's voice echoed throughout the hall, making boboiboy slightly flinched. "i-im not doing anything?" boboiboy responded as portalbot made his acting a tad bit more extreme. "STOP!!" the evil robot yelled as a familiar glow surrounds boboiboy. portalbot had used his powers and boboiboy realises too late, it had started to engulf the elemental user, amato could only watch in horror.




boboiboy let out a yelp as his body slammed into the kokotaim, he felt himself be surrounded by familiar faces but that wasn't important to him anymore. "n-no.. no  no no no no... take me back.. T-TAKE ME BACK!!"  tears started to form in the corners of his eyes. "I can't leave him like that.. please please please just take me back!!" he felt his heart raced, this was too sudden, he wasn't prepared, he didn't even get to say goodbye or make peace!

"boboiboy, what happened?" fang's forced gentle voice made boboiboy snapped out of his panic. "..take me back p-please" he begged again, as he looked at them with a hopeful glance. "no way! you just came back!" gopal's voice interrupts, it sounded slightly overprotective.

"you won't understand!" the louder volume made his friends surprised but he didn't care. "who's this?" a voice chimed, unfamiliarly. despite his blurred vision, he saw gopal's face changed as he introduced boboiboy to the unfamiliar alien, "  beloved bff, this is boboiboy

-the one who got send to the past"



it's been a little while, despite all his protests and begs, boboiboy did not go to the past again. but, he did control his little.. issue and is back to normal, in a way. "so, who's qually?" he asked the raven haired, as the rest of his friends went to inform their commander.

"well,even though you were gone, we still had to complete our plans. so we went to rimbara to send those mushroom aliens home and there we found qually. he wanted our help to get supplies for a royal chef-.. or something, and after that gopal just seemed really fond of him so we just kept him around as a TAPOPS chef" fang explained with a mere shrug.

"oh? he was accepted that easily-..?"

the raven nodded and silence filled their atmosphere once again. "what happens after that?" the elemental user asked yet again, "nothing really" fang simply answers making boboiboy frowned. "but commander did mention about upgrading your power watch, but since you were.. you know.. he didn't have the chance to even asked for it"

"upgrading my watch?"

heeyyy look a full chapter after months of splitted ones, I've improved as an author and demand cheesekuts😡😡😡😡

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