Chapter 11 (2/2) - [ Excuses ]

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his eyes widen, his legs becoming unstable.


situation caused him to back into a corner, the thing that stood in front of him approach.

it didn't look like him, it had no features. but then again, it resembled him an awful lot. it was completely black with only circles to resemble eyes. what he assumed was it's hair looked like his, if his hair was that black. now that he thinks about it...

it's almost like a shadow.

like a shadow free to roam, not bound to follow anyone or anything. with it's freedom comes it's violent tendencies. that was no way good for the black haired boy who cower at the slightest of movements.

the thing pointed his finger towards the mechabot owner.

"found you.."



"amato..?" the elemental user nudged, trying his very best to not electrocute the boy to wake up. "ngh.." amato got up, his hand rubbing his head which was clearly in pain. "what..happened..-?"

"you idiot! I was so worried about you..! you just randomly ----........."

he couldn't even hear what boboiboy was saying. his head hurts.


"huh?" amato immediately jumped at boboiboy's tone, he never seen boboiboy act like this.. never! "did you even listen to what I said!"

ignoring the boy, amato got up. too lazy to make his bed.. his head hurts. the mechabot owner look out through the window, it was calm old' kota hilir.. strange, why was he expecting extreme chaos?

"where's mechabot?" he asked, still not taking his eyes off the window. "mechabot? haven't seen him. " boboiboy answered blandly as he folds the comforter in a surprisingly neat way. "that's not right.."

"what do you mean?"

"shouldn't he be at least a little bit worried about me?!"

"it's like you don't even know him.. mechabot never cares" the statement somehow made amato defensive. "and how would you know?! you're here for barely a month and suddenly you know everyone from head to toe!?" boboiboy stared at him blandly, not annoyed nor upset at amato's anger.

"do you have a better reason for his absence then?"

amato tried to come up with an excuse, but nothing came out. he didn't have a better reason but he was sure he did!... at some point at least. "I'm gonna go now.. have fun coming up with a reason or something." the door shut, leaving him alone. gosh...why can't he just remember?!..



...his head hurts.

how unreliable he is. a good owner is supposed to know where his robot is at all times! that's what mayor andy told him, warned him. it took him so long to gain his trust too. now all of it is gonna crumble.

what happened..?

"I can help you with that."

a voice from behind him spoked.

a small circular robot, one that he recognised as his drawing.


now that's a turn of events..

sorry if the plot is off 😞😞 im trying my best to remember it

how did i describe protalbot again?

also is this story ded already

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