Chapter 12 (2/2) - [ Change ]

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pian sat next to boboiboy. despite being incredibly busy for his age, he still end up coming. the brunette didn't talk much and changed his posture as he knew he was gonna be waiting for a while. familiarity filled his thoughts as he remembers experiencing this situation before.




and how that didn't turned out very well.

either way, he was genuinely worried for his best friend, it seems everything about the hero crumbled so suddenly. amato was always matured and strong but now? he seems so wrong and just off..

silence seems unbearable, but he didn't knew what else to say. he stared at the messy black hair. for pian, he still seemed perfect.. exactly like the person who brightened his life so many years ago. the first person he could be himself with!.. but he knew better, this amato wasn't the same person. amato wouldn't do what the person infront of him did. he wouldn't harm anyone for his own selfishness.

yet he still did.

the boy pian adored, changed.

pian sighed as he looks around the room.. finally snapping out of his thinking, boboiboy had already left without telling him.. but he wouldn't realised if boboiboy did tell him. the room was getting darker, but there was still some light from the window. it had been a while then.

he felt lost.

everything seems so wrong. pian couldn't help but frowned as he remembers what he saw that morning.



pian nearly gasped, the screen that lit the entire room making his eyes widen. he read how amato's parents had no siblings so boboiboy couldn't possibly be amato's cousin or even a relative of some sort. "w-what..?" his voice slipped out, feeling confused at what he reading.

his father had files about everyone but only the one about boboiboy was incompleted, it was still in writing like there wasn't enough information. pian then got to the final sentence, confusion blurring his head,



"possible time traveler..?"


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