Chapter 7 (2/2) - [ Cleaning up ]

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The three were eating peacefully, Amato's parents had went out for groceries leaving them. They didn't mind, it was them who took so long anyways.

Their peacefully breakfast was broken by a knock on the front door, Amato quickly went there. "Back so soon?" He spoke to no one but himself as he twisted the door knob open, revealing a short brunette with bags as big as someone moving to a whole new country. "Oh.. Hi Pian" The black haired boy's voice suddenly turned monotone.

"I know we're not really at the best terms right now but I really need a place to stay- My mum doesn't want me to stay at home after the whole Janitoo-"

"Just come in"

A faint smile appeared on Amato's face, it was welcoming. Pian immediately entered, grasping on his bags tightly as he walked inside. "Weyhh Piann!!" Boboiboy greeted as soon as he saw the brunette in green, Pian smiled awkwardly at the boy as he walked upstairs to unpack his things.

"Finally gonna make it up moody boy?" Mechabot who randomly appeared beside Amato smirked as he took a bite of his currypuff and as expected, the robot was smacked hardly. "Can't even ask a question nowadays.." Mechabot cried as he rubbed his metal head, "Suits you right"

"Are you crazy?!"

"Kinda" A raven haired spoke, face looking carelessly at his friends. "We can't just try to go to the past Fang! Especially not in that way, it's risky" The hijabi reasoned, standing up to show her protest. "Yaya, are you willing to wait for Boboiboy to come back himself? We don't need Portalbot for this, this way is quicker and easier" Fang walked around the room as he spoked, "I kinda agree with Fang, we can't just rely on Boboiboy for everything" to Fang's delight, a Chinese girl had agreed with him.

"We're humans, we can't just keep pushing our luck!"

"Good thing I'm a alien"

"Your species isn't exactly the strongest.." Yaya sighed, she was getting tired of reasoning against them. "Which one will have more food??" An Indian asked, causing the rest to sweat-dropped. "Of course this one only thinks of food" Ying rolled her eyes, it was expected as that was the only thing the Indian valued more than his games. Not even his parents.

"Ours do"

"Okay, I'm siding with Fang :D"

"You-.. Fine, we'll do your plan Fang" Yaya gave up, she wasn't gonna win this argument anyways. Fang's face turn into his usual smug to signify his overproud-ness.

(The author actually forgot what was Fang's plan- 🚶‍♀️ should have written it when I had the idea ik ik- whatever back to the Kota Hilir bois)

"You cleane-d my w-whol-e room-" A black haired stuttered as he stared at his room, the once messy was now spotless. "Janitoor made me a cleaning addict-" The young brunette sweat-dropped, the experience was pretty traumatic especially considering he was pretty much alone at the start. "Would you look at that BBB? Amato needs his best friend to do everything for him" The red robot has his arms crossed and face plastered with a wide grin, threatening to burst out laughing any second.

"You should really clean it urself Amato. Be independent" Boboiboy's inner Gempa spoke, but the last part was merely to mock his father's present self. "No- it's fine- don't worry..-" Pian tried to reasoned, he didn't want his best friend to be targeted.. everywhere.

"I was gonna clean it, stop pushing it in you two! It's not like I knew Pian was gonna stay here, I've would have cleaned it if I did" Amato argued, judging by his tone and the red-ness face. The boy was embarrassed. (Pls not in a sus way, yk shy shyy)

"Aww~ backing himself up?"

"That's enoug--"

"Don't you feel bad for Pian? Having to clean your room.."

"I didn't know he was coming Boboiboy!!!"

"What kind of friend even are you moody boy?"

" *Fek cries* "

Amik ko mato tercinta anda dibully oleh robot hambanya dan anaknya sendiri 🤪🤪

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