Chapter 9 (2/2) - [ Déjà vu ]

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Boboiboy open his eyes, he was no longer comfortably at home. He along with his friends were running. He didn't know from what, but he knew the creatures were fast approaching.

"Why is it whenever I'm paired with you, we always gotta run?!!"

What? What kind of memory was this? It never happened right? But why did he felt like it did? somewhere, somehow. He looked down, he was in his halilintar form. Perhaps to quicken up his speed. A bitter taste appeared, he ignored it.

Everything else felt bland compared to the previous bitterness, a short green boy appeared. But He had already expected his arrival, so he wasn't very shock. Qually was his name, stealing Gopal's heart in mere seconds after he told them his talents. Bland, bland, bland.

"Boboiboy, what's the next ingredient?"

Boboiboy looked at the raven weirdly, was this all for some useless ingredients? "What ingredient Fang?" His voice echoes, none of them heard it.

"Boboiboy? What is the next ingredient?"

Fang asked again, he had already told them that he doesn't know! Is he deaf!?

"I don't know!"

"Eishh, Boboiboyyy if someone asks you a question..answer it! Don't just stay quiet!"

But he did, why didn't they hear him? Everyone looked at him, waiting for the boy's answer. Don't they have their own list of groceries?

"Kan Aku dah cakap, Aku taktaulah!!" (I already told you, I don't know!!)


"Huh?!" He got up, his breaths were uneven along with his vision. "Are you okay Boboiboy?" A voice asked gently, Boboiboy looked to see a green figure. "Adudu?"

"Ehhhh?? Who's adudu? It's me Pian!-"

Boboiboy was finally able to see him clearly, that wasn't his short green rival indeed. "Oh- sorry.." He numbly said, the words didn't feel like his. "I was really worried for you, you haven't woken up since last morning!" He sulkily explained ignoring the previous apologie, What? I slept for that long?

"Sorry." The brunette touched his forehead, it had lost all heat. "-So I forcefully fed you medicine! hehe~" The other evilly smirked, causing Boboiboy shiver. Vargoba didn't scare him, but a fourteen-yearold richboy did? He questioned himself sometimes.

Something red shined behind Pian, "Princess Kira'na...?"


"Oh- uh.." He doesn't know her too, it blurted out when he hallucinated. "She's a video game character!" He happily answer, hoping his change of mood didn't weirded out the boy.

"Ohh..? Never heard of her then"

Boboiboy forced up a smile, yelah dh tipu kena lah acah" jugak. (He already told a lie, so he needs to act along with it)

(idk if I translated it correctly 0-0)

"But hey.."


"Who's Fang?"


"Fang? Oh-.. he's a close friend of mine, back at home" The dinoboy answered, smiling innocently. "ohh.. is that so~" Pian smirked, causing the other's face to drop. "I'm not gay if that's what ur thinking" His inner Halilintar glared, "Can't even have friends without getting shipped" He added while faking throwing up.

"stop with ur scary glares pl-"


Pian quickly answered, putting his phone next to his ear. Boboiboy tried to hear their conversation but Pian had already ended it.

"My dad wants to see you tomorrow"

"eee kau bagitau dia aku pakwe kau ke ape, phl dia nak jumpa aku pulakkk" (Did you tell him I'm your boyfriend or something, why does he randomly wants to see meee)


i'ii check it later alr

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