Chapter 14 - [ The ending we deserved ]

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after a few days, boboiboy completely stopped trying. every trick he did was unsuccessful, they were able to see right through him. he had also handed his power watch to commander for the upgrade, as he won't have to worry about missions anytime soon since his friends think that boboiboy was as fragile as a baby and should stay a solid 15km away from danger.

yes, he might be exaggerating but this was his career for god's sake! a day or so should be enough, but this doesn't seem like he would be participating in a mission anytime soon. he was treated like he would crack any second and he hated that.

"err-.. boboiboy?" a voice interrupts, making him look at the source. "oh? ..q-qually right?" boboiboy forced up a smile, to which qually returned.

"you seem really frustrated because they bench you" qually starts off, "but I think you should understand that they are scared" boboiboy raised his eyebrow, "scared of what?" the elemental user asked as qually let out a sigh. "scared of losing you again" the alien chef smiled as he pointed towards boboiboy.

"just think about it, they were practically going insane trying to get you back and gopal even told me that fang had started to plan some absurd ideas. you obviously play a huge role in their lifes so of course they can't put you in harms way ever again."

boboiboy seemed rather surprised before his face morphed into a slight smirk, "no wonder they replace me with you" he playfully teases. "WAIT- WAIT... ARE YOU JEALOUS OR SOMETHING?!?! I SWEAR I DIDN'T TRY TO STEAL THEM OR ANY-"

seeing qually deny everything and almost panicking, the elemental user chuckled, before explaining it was just a joke. besides, he knew how coping works.


"tok aba!" the elemental user yelled out as he hugged the old man. "I miss you.. I miss you so much" he muttered as he feels the other wrap his hands around the embrace. "of course, I miss you too" the old man spoke, "must be hard going on multiple missions in the past few months" the older mentioned, making boboiboy nod. It was a hard 'mission' indeed.

he glances at qually, who was staring at him. he knew how bad qually's life at home is before he run away, the lack of parental love probably caused him to act like that. boboiboy smiled warmly at the alien, earning one back, an idea forms. he remembers vaguely about inviting fang over during breaks, adding another guest wouldn't ruin the fun!

besides, sometimes it's good to have parents that hates you


time flies when you spend it with your love ones, what felt like a few days was apparently a few weeks as boboiboy's watch was finally done. he gleamed at the new circular shape and feel even more excited when commander kokoci mentioned that he is now able to achieved third tier. this would be keeping him busy for sure!

qually had given him a gift, an oukuat seed. he says that the royal chef had given him both valuables and explained that it can unleash one's hidden power, he thought it suited boboiboy more than him.

the rest of his friends did not give him gifts but they did become more attached, boboiboy didn't mind the sudden clinginess. he missed them too. he felt rather thankful that most problem of his was solved eventually, so he wasn't overwhelmed with stress and crying on a daily basis.


as he walked, he thinks of all his blessings. it was sudden, yes but he just came back from a traumatic experience, of course he was gonna count his blessings after he came back! the street infront of him got immediately crowded with a variety of people, making him stop for a second.

among the vendors and the people buying, he noticed someone rather familiar. black hair, white streak, he could have sworn the face looked exactly like that other boy, feeling his mind goes a little off, he shakes his head and look back. he concluded that it was his imagination when the figure was gone. or did he just left? boboiboy prefers not to question it any further. he was done messing around with timelines.

but he does wonder, how is amato right now?


the dim light made his room appear, but only barely. he carefully writes down what he remembers and notices during this period,

"the future son of mine had brown-dish hair and matching eyes plus a liking for orange and dinosaurs. he supposedly has powers but I never witnessed it so it's probably just another fake rumour"


"the appearances of evil power spheres after his arrival is suspicious. maybe a coincidence? either way, I have to stopped them, even if it means fighting them off before they get to earth. I need to be the hero again and prevent harm."


"portalbot was right, I need to make sure my priorities are straight. speaking of portalbot, I had to give him to uncle aman. I hope nothing bad happens. to be honest, boboiboy went away too quickly, there's still a bunch of things unanswered. but that's okay, at least I think it is."

signing his name at the end and closing the book, amato leaned on the chair, causing it to moves backwards. he had spent a lot of time writing everything down and his hand was rather sore.

he didn't know why he wrote everything down, was he scared of forgetting? that seems like the most logical thing as the mecha hero was very fond of boboiboy and hopes he doesn't turns out like what portalbot said he would.

feeling his eyelids getting heavy, he walks towards his bed, leaving the book on top of his table untended to.

"what I wish I never forget"

was the ending too sudden? well I've been planning to discontinue the book over the years but decided to just finished it off and go rot somewhere. maybe after that I will upload a random non-related-but-technically-is chapter? btw, if you have questions about the plot or something, feel free to ask- :))) sorry for retcons

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