Chapter 4 (1/2) - [ Attachment issues ]

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" uhm yeah - I can keep secrets - "

Pian answered hesitantly still not fully understanding the situation he was in . Boboiboy hold Pian shoulders , " Don't tell anyone about what you saw " he threatens , his grip tighten as his eyes spark a threatening crimson . " It's for the best " he added looking at Pian dead in the eyes .

Being intimidated , Pian quickly nodded while trying to get Boboiboy hands of his shoulder , which was unsuccessful . " W-we should probably get amato ba-ck " he stuttered up , fearing of his friend but also understanding that it probably wasn't supposed to be like this . Boboiboy was always nice to him anyways .

Boboiboy let go of his grip on Pian poor shoulders when his mood suddenly changed , which made Pian suspicious . ' Did he get hit or was he always like this - ' he thought to himself , while trying to rethink of what he saw before . He came back to reality when Boboiboy stood infront of him , Amato already in his hands .

He signaled the boy to a familiar red power sphere , Mechabot . Pian quickly rushed to take the robot . But Boboiboy didn't wait for him , which resulted in Pian struggling to keep up especially considering Boboiboy was walking with lighting speed .

Both knew the directions to Amato's house so that wasn't a problem . Just trying to keep up was .

Boboiboy laid Amato on his bed , worry being clear on his face . He had to be careful . One wrong move and his whole existence could fade into oblivion .

He sat on the floor , with Pian next to him . Silently . Both waiting impatiently for the armoured hero to wake up .

" About befor - "

" I'ii tell you privately later "

Even though Amato was still unconscious , Boboiboy still needed to be careful . It was bad enough that Pian knew , it would be worst if anyone else know too .

With that , the silent atmosphere came back .


Mechabot had already woken up , he wasn't as damaged as he made it out to be . Scratches here and there , nothing more nothing less .

Amato still hasn't woken up . He was still alive something Boboiboy wished he told Mechabot sooner that his beloved-ly hated owner was just not waking up yet .

Mechabot at first glance , thought Amato had died . By the look from his eyes it seems like he was about to cry but Boboiboy was unsure how he could . Boboiboy told him the truth while scratching his non-itchy skin while Pian was giggling like crazy .

" Wel-l I was just jok-ing ! " Mechabot stuttered , he was embarrassed and blamed himself for assuming the worst so quickly . Perhaps it was from his trauma , no it was definitely from his trauma .


Amato was finally awake . Everyone got excited and finally worry-free ! Amato head was a blur at first as he had just woken up . But as the time passes , he started turning to his normal self again . Just maybe struggle to walk because of how many times he was blasted there .

He wasn't sad , he got a break from school . Which means no Mr.jamie's class to suffer from . Which also means , freedom !

Boboiboy was also enroll in his school at the moment he arrived as Amato's ' cousin ' , same grade same class everything ! It was just for a few months , nobody knew how long the few months actually were .

- amato/3rd person pov -

Between them was Boboiboy's weakness is math while Amato was a professional when it came to math . Yet Boboiboy still ace all his tests while Amato struggles too . In Amato's defense , he had to fight bad robot everyday . No time for studies .

Not to mention how Mr Jamie seems to like Boboiboy way more then he like Amato . Sometimes even being clear with his favouritism . Perks of being the top student . . he supposed .

Since Boboiboy temporarily lived with him . He must always make sure that Amato never miss his homework ! " It's your legs that's healing , not your hands . Keep writing " Was reminded to the poor boy everyday .

Something else to add to his luck , Pian & Boboiboy seems to be getting closer . Always whispering and having private conversations that Amato wasn't allowed to hear or be near . Amato got pretty jealous , Pian was his best friend not Boboiboy's . He never told them of course , feelings like this are meant to be hidden behind his smiling façade .

He was too used to the spotlight and it was clear . He hated the feeling of jealousy and the growing negative feeling towards Boboiboy .

Nohh someone's jealousssss 🤪🤪🤪

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