Chapter 5 (1/2) - [ To fix ]

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(this is from Pian's POV but explained by a third person if that makes any sense)

A brunette stared at the picture he was holding . A picture of him and his best friend , he felt upset at why the boy was ignoring him before . He didn't recall doing anything that can possibly hurt his best friend feelings , or did he ?

But on the bright side , his best friend , Amato and his other friend was supposed to come to his house to do their projects together ! Maybe they can make up the-no , he'll make sure they'll make up when his best friend arrives .

The young brunette continue to stared at the picture , this time without his upset feelings . His legs moving back and forth in excitement .

(Sangat unik ya)

The brunette's face lit up as soon as he heard it . He immediately got up to open the door , his mind flooding with all possible outcomes of their hangout . Behind the fancy door wasn't his best friend instead was a brunette in orange and a big crimson red robot .

" Heyh Pian ! " The boy in orange greeted enthusiastically , a bright smile appearing on his face . " Hey . . " Pian greeted back but didn't match enthusiasm . " Where's Amato " Pian asked , peaking his head out to find the black haired boy .

" Amato and Mara want to do their projects back at Abah's house " Mechabot answered blankly , barely moving an inch .

Pian looked surprised at the robot's answer and decided to look at his phone

<-. Mara (classmate) call : ________________________________

Assalamualaikum Pian ! , Sorry for the last minute change of plans but Amato wanted to do our projects at his house instead .

Sorry pian

Waalaikumusalam , don't
worry it's fine ! 😃
(Type..) audio :

(Don't ask why it look like that because idk)

What Mechabot said was apparently true , it's not like the boy didn't trust robot before but now he can be sure it wasn't the robot's little tricks again .

" Huh . . but why ? " The brunette questioned , sadness being plastered on the young boy's face . Mechabot look hesitant , the robot stay quiet as he fly inside the house , the robot seems to be looking for Pian's room .

Pian didn't mind much as that's what the robot always does when they come to visit or hangout . Besides , he needs to find out why Amato was ignoring him first .

Boboiboy looked around confusedly , the elemental hero scratch his head innocently . His inner Daun was triggering . . ,Pian looked at the boy weirdly .

" Come in Boboiboy ! " He spoke brushing off those things as he walked to where Mechabot went . Pian lead them to his room , that was at the far end of the third floor .

As they entered Pian's room , everyone (except Pian) stared in awe . Pian didn't match their energy as he quickly sat on his bed and signalled the two to follow what he did .

" So , why is he like that ? "

" He's jealous of you two "


" WHATTT ! ? ? ? HOW DID I LOSE ? ? " The Indian boy yelled furiously , his body flopping on the chair as he tries to catch his breath . " Gopal , we're trying to find where Boboiboy went . Act serious " The new self proclaimed 'leader' spoke , rolling his dark crimson eyes . " I'm trying to stay calm by playing games , Fang " Gopal respond , his eyes not leaving his beloved games .

" Haishh whatever . (He turned to the girls) Did you guys find anything ? " Fang asked , hoping for at least something . They struggled to find a new thing since the last one .

" Everything we found seems to have a dead end . . again " Yaya answered , her voice having a somewhat worried yet disappointed tone . Ying stay quiet but by her expression , she seems to agree with the hijabi .

They managed to beat the villian with the help of Kaizo's team , so their main focus was now on Boboiboy and Boboiboy only . The villian was very weak without any minions , but he still refused to tell them anything about where Boboiboy is ever since he was interrogated . Instead the villian would laugh or mock their desperation .

It was useless

Upload are gonna take longer now since I have exams tomorrow- (12/1/23) also I apologize if the story is getting weird but I just wanna write how with Boboiboy here , Amato and Pian's friendship are not what it's supposed to be . Without Boboiboy they wouldn't be like this .

Also extra stuff for re-readers or new readers ! ! ;

Even from afar , a black haired boy's figure was seen . " Amato ? . . " The brunette asked , his hand reaching out as if trying to catch the black haired figure . The boy turned his back on that brunette and started walking slowly . " W-wait- ! " The brunette ran to catch up to the boy , despite running the walking boy was always ahead . " Wa-it- pl-please . . " He begged , struggling to catch up more . The black haired boy stopped , and turned around to face the brunette . His eyes signaling to explain . " Wh-y..w.. " the brunette couldn't speak anymore , he can barely catch his breath . The figure didn't speak , instead stared with a sharp glare . The brunette looked at him with a sad face , as if pleading to speak . " I can't tell you . " The figure spoked , his usual cheery voice replaced with a monotone one . " Nor would you understand if I did . " He added , turning his back on the boy and continued walking . This time the brunette didn't followed him . 'What was happening?' The brunette thought to himself , he didn't want the boy to go any further but his body and voice didn't obey . 'Why?!' His face tighten , his lack of blinking causing his eyes to water . He didn't do anything did he ?

Pian woked up with a cold sweat .

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