Chapter 1

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Everyone can eventually say that they have died. Actually, not many people can because, you know, they're dead. And I am too. Sort of.

Let's start from the beginning, shall we? It's probably for the best.

So you see, when a mommy and daddy love each other very much-ok, maybe not that far back. I'm not trying to traumatise anyone.

Well a baby is born, as one is, and you're like, oh, cool, a baby, and move on with your life like anyone else.

Let's say I'm that baby. I grow up like anyone else with my mother and father, go to school, fail some exams, pass more of them and get a job. Normal life, right? Yeah, it was too me as well.

I had phases like any teen would and watched some anime, eventually evolving to manwha and leaving behind both phases.

Made some friends and went to party's. Did things I regret, did things that would make anyone proud, and died. Yea, like a loser.

Fortunately, Truck-Kun spared me, I just got drunk and hit me head off a table. Like. A. Loser. I'm not an alcoholic, I swear.

So when I woke up again I literally started crying upon noticing my shit vision. I really thought I got brain damage and my vision decided it had enough of my bullshit so it left me.

But no, I could in fact see, I just wasn't trying. And who the hell need to focus to see? Me, apparently.

It wasn't very good at first. I kept zoning out so I was convinced I had brain damage for the longest time. Until I grew up. Again.

And let me tell you teething, growth spurts and uncontrollable emotions are horrible. Baby's are justified a good cry. Yeah, by the ripe age of what I think was six months I found out I was baby. Not really though. Let me explain.

Logically, my baby brain can't handle years upon years of experience, you need to grow into that. So at first the only memory's I had in my new life was that I could see once but now I can't and that this wasn't my first life. Basically it.

However, that did not leave me incapable of retaining new information. It just meant I was really shit at looking at it logically.

For example, I knew that my caretaker would come back in the room after five minutes with my milk, logically I couldn't process that and would cry. Not fun.

If you still don't understand then let's look at this in another way. You understand the concept of Pythagorus theorem but once it comes to being put into an actual question you don't understand it since it is a higher mark question and you need more than just Pythagorus to answer it.

And if you still don't get it I'll look at it one more way since I'm nice like that. Let's say your mind is an ocean yet can only hold a small lake at all times. You take the lake that is your muscle memory and use it most of the time. A dam separates the two water sources.

The lake expands more and more to hold your ocean of knowledge that you learn yet can't always remember instantly. A baby has a puddle of knowledge that consists of eating, sleeping and soiling their diaper. And my ocean was huge so it wasn't easy to a hold that knowledge without it overflowing over the dam.

My mind constantly worked to expand my puddle of knowledge to stop my ocean of knowledge from breaking my fragile mind which in this case, is the dam.

And if you don't get it by now then I don't know what else to say. Reincarnation is difficult, ok? It's not easy to explain.

But back to topic, I was pretty slow. Having too much knowledge in that ocean made me process more instead of learning. Which is fine by me since I'm sure I was learning more like that than a stupid baby.

If I have another chance then I'll do my best to actually live.Where stories live. Discover now